söndag 27 september 2009

Cantalamessa och Livets Ord Ekumenisk förförelse

Brother`s In Arm`s! Vapenbröder!

Vapenbröder – Vasallers bröder, likar, landsmän, stamförvanter, kamrater, kollegor, umgängesvänner, Läntagare, Lydherrar, Småfurstar, Stridsbröder, Kumpaner, Kamrater, följeslagare, stallbröder, kompanjoner, medhjälpare, hjälpare, deltagare, ledamöter, närvaranden, aktörer, en som är med, aktör, medverkande, närvarande, ledamot, representant, medlem, medverkanden, medbrottslingar, hjälpredor, hantlangare, vapendragare, sekundanter, anhängare, underhuggare, hejdukar, atleter, bodybuilders, atleterna, kämparna, jättarna, kolosserna, bamsarna, huggarna, överdängarna, mästarna, kroppsbyggare, redskap, drabanter, torpeder, drängar, lakejer, tjänare, betjänter!

2007-07-18 09:41:28, Charles Whitehead, Katolska karismatiska förnyelsen medverkar på Livets Ords Europakonferens.

Ulf och Birgitta Ekman är värdpar för Livets Ords Europakonferens 22-29 juli som har en ekumenisk prägel och vänder sig till kristna från olika kyrkor.

Bland talarna märks Charles Whitehead från England, känd för sitt mångåriga ledarskap inom Katolska Karismatiska förnyelsen. Han har stor erfarenhet att arbeta för och uppmuntra troende till ekumenik.

Ulf och Birgitta har tidigare träffat Charles Whitehead och andra företrädare för Katolska karismatiska förnyelsen och deltagit i internationella konferenser anordnade av ICCRS.

Se ICCR:http://www.isidor.se/Default.aspx?alias=www.isidor.se/kks
(International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services) med huvudkontor i Vatikanen samordnar den karismatiska förnyelsen på världsplanet.

Det finns också flera talare som representerar den växande rörelsen av Messias-troende judar.
Konferensen kan följas på direksändning över internet (Se Livets Ords hemsida).Läs mera

Charles och Sue Whitehead uppskattade talare på Livets Ords Europakonferens.

Charles Whithead, katolik med mångårig tjänst inom Katolska karismatiska förnyelsen och hans fru Sue (anglikanska kyrkan) deltog för andra året i rad i Livets ords Europakonferens och höll två mycket uppskattade seminarier, det ena om den Helige Ande och de andliga nådegåvorna i vars och ens personliga liv, och det andra om ekumenik.

I det första föredraget fokuserade Charles på Apg 2, den Helige Andes ankomst den första pingsten och betonade nyckelorden "alla" och "fylldes". Alla fylldes av den Helige Ande, och det är en modell som gäller också för oss kristna idag, menade Charles. Genom den Helige Ande får vi kraft att vara vittnen för Kristus i världen idag.

Ibland vill vi inte ta emot Anden, och lever vårt kristna liv på en mycket låg nivå. Ibland är vi blinda för eller vill inte se när Gud rör sig i kraft och Anden manifesteras.

Charles talade om olika reaktionssätt: 1)vi hånar och gör narr av det, 2) vi ignorerar det, 3)vi rationaliserar. Charles gav också en historik av hur den helige Ande har verkat i de olika kyrkorna under hela 1900-talet fram till nu.

Det andra föredraget fokuserade på den Helige Ande och ekumeniken.

Att föra samman olika delar av kristenheten, "Kristi kropp" , ligger starkt på Charles och Sues hjärtan, och det är en viktig del av deras tjänst.

Charles sade att han har en känsla av att det är en viktig tid för Sverige just nu när det gäller ekumeniken, och att Sverige kommer att spela en viktig roll i övriga världen när det gäller det ekumeniska skeendet.

Båda föredragen finns på video via Livets Ords hemsida. En annan talare som blev mycket uppskattad var Göran Skytte som gästade konferensen under torsdagseftermiddagen.

Från: http://www.katolsktfonster.se/arkiv/default.aspx


One who contradicts the Catholic faith as often as Fr Cantalemessa does is a material heretic. He might not be intentionally a heretic, he could simply not know any better, in which case he is not obstinately denying the faith, nevertheless what he says contradicts the faith. If he is aware of it, he should be excommunicated. If he doesn't know – he shouldn't be preaching to the Papal household!

But people forget that heretics are always planted within the Church and often in key positions.

On a popular catholic forum some guy brought up Fr Cantalamessa's heresies. The PC crowd was quick to discredit said guy, and yes, he was banned. The arguments were: “Some of his sermons (Cantalamessa's) have been controversial, and he is a favorite target of dissidents who deny authority of the Pope. Being controversial does not make one a heretic.” True enough, except that heretical statements are both controversial and heretic. The PC crowd won of course. But not for being extra PC or for being extra clever. The guy provided the ammo for them by listing some sedevacantist sites. One has to be careful with one's sourcing. Truth is not as important as the source. It is NOT what was said that really matters, no, who said it is far more important these days.

Fr Cantalamessa's implied Jesus did not multiply the loaves and fishes

"You give them something to eat!" (Matthew 14:16). With this, Jesus is not asking his disciples to perform miracles. He is asking that they do what they can. To place in common and share what each one has. In arithmetic, multiplication and division are two opposite operations, but in this case they are the same. There is no "multiplication" without "partition" (or sharing)! (Zenit Code: ZE06072802 Date: 2006-07-28)

By saying “There is no multiplication without partition” -- Fr Cantalamessa contradicts the Fathers and Sacred Scripture. First of all multiplication (“in arthmentic”) is not dependent on division or as he calls it “partition”. What is he saying? That the "real" miracle was the sharing and not the actual multiplication of the loaves and fishes? Father Cantalamessa did not actually deny the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, but he sure implied it! The disciples played a part certainly; they supplied the loaves and fishes. But that would have been another sermon!

By substituting the secondary reason for the primary reason, Fr Cantalamessa concocted an ambiguous scenario without appearing to deny Church teaching. This type of subversion is most dangerous. Had he actually said what he implied, it would have been rejected outright. But the subtle subversion of Catholic teaching tends to escape the faithful; allowing them to fall into apostasy gently and painlessly. And then one day they are Catholic in name only.

Fr Cantalamessa's preaches against Catholic dogma

Cantalemessa said “for God to love himself would be narcissism." This is denial of Vatican I, which stated “God first and foremost loves himself.” In this case Cantalemessa contradicted a solemn ecumenical council.(Rome, June 10, 2006 Trinity Sunday - A Close Mystery)

Fr Cantalamessa preaches against original sin

Contrary to Catholic teaching Fr. Cantalamessa made the ambiguous claim that unbaptized infants go straight to heaven. There is just one problem. He didn't explain how to get around original sin. And why Jesus told us to try to baptize the whole world? (ZE06010701 - 2006-01-07)

Fr Cantalamessa is "disordered and contradictory"

According to Fr Cantalamessa the Pope said something very beautiful when commenting on the words of John's Gospel. He did say that the Spirit "blows where he wills," but he clarified that he never blows in a disordered, contradictory way. Hmmm.

If Cantalamessa's enthusiasm for what came out of the Protestant heresy (in this case charismata) is not "a disordered contradictory way" then what is? Because you see Fr. Cantalamessa talks about the "whole tradition of the Church". Now that would include the teachings against heresy!

So when he says that the way to the future can be found in something coming out of heresy, (because folks charismata came out of the Protestant heresy!) – the good preacher is actually “disordered and contradictory”!

He promotes “tradition”, including the tradition which is clearly opposed to the type of “ecumenism” he advocates. (Rome, June 15, 2006 - Recounts Personal Experience)

Fr Cantalamessa uses one truth to deny another

"Thus, it is not so much the death itself of Christ that has saved us, but his obedience unto death. God wants obedience, not sacrifice, says Scripture (1 Samuel 15:22; Hebrews 10:5-7)." Actually, in Redemption God wanted both obedience and sacrifice.

Fr Cantalamessa destroys the Mass and Redemption

"It is true that in Christ's case, he also wanted sacrifice, and he wanted it likewise for us, but of the two one is the means, the other the end. God wants obedience for itself; he wants sacrifice only indirectly, as the condition that makes obedience possible and authentic." God did not want Christ’s sacrifice only as a means of showing His obedience. God ordained Christ's sacrifice to atone for man’s sins.

The priest does not offer Christ’s "obedience" on the altar as a test, the priest offers Christ’s Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the transubstantiated species of bread and wine.

Trent says: "If anyone says that the sacrifice of the Mass is one only of praise and thanksgiving; or that it is a mere commemoration of the sacrifice consummated on the cross but not a propitiatory one; or that it profits him only who receives, and ought not to be offered for the living and the dead, for sins, punishments, satisfactions, and other necessities, LET HIM BE ANATHEMA" (Canons on the Sacrifice of the Mass, Canon 3)."

Fr Cantalamessa supports unapproved apparition Apostolic Preacher to Help Priests at Prominent Pilgrim Centre

On April 25, 2007 a somewhat premature press release was put out by PRWEB – It read: “The Pope's own private preacher at the Vatican, Raniero Cantalamessa, will be conducting a retreat for priests in July this year at the heart of Catholicism's most controversial pilgrimage centre -- Medjugorje in the south of the Muslim-Croat Federation of the FYR of Bosnia-Herzegovina.”

The “several beneficial effects” are identified as:
-”to calm speculation about the truth of the happenings in Medjugorje and their probity;

-to ensure that pilgrims who go there are properly catered for ministerially -- most pilgrims want to make a confession there, often for the first time for many years and great care is needed over this;

-to make certain that the rules laid down by the local Bishop Ratko Peric are kept -

- Monsignor Peric doesn't believe anything supernatural is happening and is striving to keep reaction to events there healthy and spiritually well-ordered;

-maybe perhaps to look at the Muslim-Christian, and the Catholic-Orthodox splits and work out with the clergy who attend a modus operandi which is positive and peaceful.”

Now you have to admit, that one has to be quite controversial (being charismatic and an incredulity seeker helps too it would seem) to be caught by the Medjugorje deception. Here is the official diocesan response concerning Fr Cantalamessa's spiritual retreat in Medjugorje:

Ulica nadbiskupa Čule bb., pp. 54 - 88000 MOSTAR
(tel. ++387/36/331-469; fax: 331-472; e-mail: biskupija@cbismo.hr

Mostar, 18 June 2007
Prot.: 1106/2007



In order to avoid repeating abuses that have occurred in the past, for almost six years now a decision of the Diocesan Chancery of Mostar in the form of a circular letter dated 23 August 2001, has been in force and sent to all the parish rectories and communities of Religious men and women which declares: “3. - All Parish rectories and Religious institutions are obliged to forward to this Diocesan Chancery in due time, the names of all foreign priests and bishops coming from beyond the areas where the Croatian language is spoken, who have been invited to hold spiritual retreats, seminars and similar spiritual encounters, in which the Word of God is preached and explained. Along with the name(s) and the request, a copy of the celebret of the priest or bishop must be included, who after having received written permission from this Diocesan Chancery, will be allowed to hold such spiritual exercises” (NEWS. Catholic Press Agency of the Bishops’ Conference of Bosnia-Herzegovina, 5 September 2001, pp. 30-31; Glas Koncila, 9 September 2001, p.2).

Even the bishops of the Croatian Bishops’ Conference during the assembly held in Split in October 2005 decided and this decision was then also adopted by the Bishops of the Bishops’ Conference of Bosnia-Herzegovina in Sarajevo the same month, that the bishops of the two Bishops’ Conferences shall not accept the invitations of individual pastors to celebrate the sacraments and hold lectures in the territory of another diocese unless they have received a Nihil obstat from the local Diocesan Chancery.

Despite the above mentioned decision, the news of a spiritual retreat for priests directed by Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa OFM Cap., Preacher of the Papal Household, to be held in Medjugorje at the beginning of July 2007 appeared on the internet many months ago, yet the organizers of this retreat did not inform the Diocesan Chancery in Mostar according to the norm, prior to the event. In this regard, celebrations of the sacrament of reconciliation are being publicized billing, alongside Fr Cantalamessa, Fr. Jozo Zovko; yet the latter since 2004 has been relieved of all priestly faculties in the territory of the dioceses of Herzegovina (Vrhbosna, 3/2004, pp.293-298).

The Pastoral decision of 23 August 2001 regarding leaders of spiritual retreats and conferences was reaffirmed and expressly emphasized by the Bishop of Mostar-Duvno, Msgr. Ratko Perić in his discourse and invitation given during the Chapter elections on 16 April this year at Humac, where he was officially invited to preside at Holy Mass. On that occasion the Diocesan bishop mentioned the following regarding Medjugorje:

“1 – The pastoral obstinacy of the pastors and other associates of Medjugorje is quite evident on the ‘Medjugorje’ internet site which bears the title ‘Marian Shrine’. ‘Medjugorje’ is neither a diocesan nor national or international shrine. This status must be acknowledged while the events remain as they stand.

2 - The obstinacy of the pastors and other associates of Medjugorje is also evident in the their disregard for the circular letter of the Chancery of 2001, which states that priests coming from beyond the areas where the Croatian language is spoken are not to be invited without the express and written permission of the Diocesan Chancery.

3 - The obstinacy of the pastors and other associates of Medjugorje is evident in that a member of your Province, Fr. Jozo Zovko, who has no priestly faculties and who is forbidden from celebrating any priestly functions in this diocese, has been invited this year to preside at the Way of the Cross in Medjugorje and has been in this regard presented as available for confessions”.

The discourse was published in its entirety at the beginning of May this year in the diocesan pastoral monthly (Crkva na kamenu, 5/2007, pp. 33-35).

After exchanging various letters between the Diocesan Chancery and the Parish Rectory of Medjugorje, the pastor of Medjugorje Fr. Ivan Sesar notified the bishop in his letter dated 13 June 2007 that: “Upon my insistence due to the shortness of time, I asked P. Cantalamessa to send his acknowledgment of receipt of my letter by fax, which he did in the meantime. He accepts my apology and regrets that due to the newly arisen circumstances he cannot come, since in principle he never does public appearances without the permission of the local Ordinary”.

Bishop Perić and Fr. Cantalamessa exchanged letters on 13 June. Fr. Cantalamessa informed the bishop that he wrote a letter to Fr. Sesar on 8 June. Fr. Cantalamessa wrote in his letter to the bishop on 13 June: “My principle is not to preach, especially not to the clergy, without the permission of the local bishop”.

This Diocesan Chancery never received any written request for permission as is the norm, from either of the parties involved with regard to the spiritual retreat and its moderator.

With this Press Release the Diocesan Chancery wishes to emphasize that the norms of the Code of Canon Law have not been respected in this case, which state that express permission for priests and deacons is required for preaching if this is demanded by local law, as well as observance of the norms issued by the Diocesan bishop. The Diocesan Chancery also particularly deems necessary to release this to the Catholic public in order to avoid misinterpretations and deceptions which can been seen in the comments on the web sites that regard Medjugorje as a place of supposed apparitions for which the position of the Church remains: “that it cannot be affirmed that these events concern supernatural apparitions and revelations”.

Signed Msgr. Srećko Majić, Vicar General

For shame, the tangled web this friar weaves...
at 18.11.06

Go to: http://charismatic-heresy.blogspot.com/2006/11/cantalamessa.html

Inlagt av Leif Berg

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Luther on ecumenism and papacy

History of the Papacy by J.A. Wylie: "...the Church (so-called) of Rome has no right to rank amongst Christian Churches. She is not a Church, neither is her religion the Christian religion. We are accustomed to speak of Popery as a corrupt form of Christianity. We concede too much. The Church of Rome bears the same relation to the Church of Christ which the hierarchy of Baal bore to the institute of Moses; and Popery stands related to Christianity only in the same way in which Paganism stood related to primeval Revelation. Popery is not a corruption simply, but a transformation. It may be difficult to fix the time when it passed from the one into the other; but the change is incontestible. Popery is the gospel transubstantiated into the flesh and blood of Paganism, under a few of the accidents of Christianity."

Martin Luther

Just as in the days of the Apostles, so at this day we are forced to hear from certain denominations that we (by our obstinacy to adhere to the truth) do offend against love and unity in the churches, because we reject their doctrine. It would be better (they say) that we should let it pass, especially since the doctrine in dispute is what they call non-essential, and, therefore (they say) to stir up so great a discord and contention in the church over one or two doctrines (and those not the most important ones) is unfruitful and unnecessary.

To this I reply: Cursed be that love and unity which cannot be preserved except at the peril of the word of God.

Just as in the days of the Apostles, so at this day we are forced to hear from certain denominations that we (by our obstinacy to adhere to the truth) do offend against love and unity in the churches, because we reject their doctrine. It would be better (they say) that we should let it pass, especially since the doctrine in dispute is what they call non-essential, and, therefore (they say) to stir up so great a discord and contention in the church over one or two doctrines (and those not the most important ones) is unfruitful and unnecessary.

To this I reply: Cursed be that love and unity which cannot be preserved except at the peril of the word of God.

The negotiation about doctrinal agreement displeases me altogether, for this is utterly impossible unless the pope has his papacy abolished. Therefore avoid and flee those who seek the middle of the road. Think of me after I am dead and such middle-of-the-road men arise, for nothing good will come of it. There can be no compromise. (What Luther Says, II: 1019)

Ah, my dear brother in Christ, bear with me if here or elsewhere I use such coarse language when speaking of the wretched, confronted, atrocious monster at Rome! He who knows my thoughts must say that I am much, much, much too lenient and have neither words nor thought adequately to describe the shameful, abominable blasphemy to which he subjects the Word and name of Christ, our dear Lord and Savior. There are some Christians, wicked Christians indeed, who now would gloss things over to make the pope appear against in a good light and who, after he does so and has been dragged out of the mud, would like to reinstate him on the altar. But they are wicked people, whoever they may be, who defend the pope and want me to be quiet about the means whereby he has done harm. Truly, I cannot do this. All true, pious Christians, who love Christ and His Word, should, as said, be sincerely hostile to the pope. They should persecute him and injure him…. All should do this in their several calling, to the best of their ability, with all faithfulness and diligence. (What Luther Says, II: 1072)

What kind of a church is the pope’s church? It is an uncertain, vacillating and tottering church. Indeed, it is a deceitful, lying church, doubting and unbelieving, without God’s Word. For the pope with his wrong keys teaches his church to doubt and to be uncertain. If it is a vacillating church, then it is not the church of faith, for the latter is founded upon a rock, and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it (Matt.16:18). If it is not the church of faith, then it is not the Christian church, but it must be an unchristian, anti-Christian, and faithless church which destroys and ruins the real, holy, Christian church. (Luther’s Works, vol. 40, Church and Ministry II, The Keys, p.348)

All this is to be noted carefully, so that we can treat with contempt the filthy, foolish twaddle that the popes present in their decrees about their Roman church, that is, about their devil’s synagogue (Rev.2:9), which separates itself from common Christendom and the spiritual edifice built up on this stone, and instead invents for itself a fleshly worldly, worthless, lying, blasphemous, idolatrous authority over all of Christendom. One of these two things must be true: if the Roman church is not built on this rock along with the other churches, then it is the devil’s church; but if it is built, along with all the other churches, on this rock, then it cannot be lord or head over the other churches. For Christ the cornerstone knows nothing of two unequal churches, but only of one church alone, just as the Children’s Faith, that is, the faith of all of Christendom, says, ”I believe in one holy, Christian church,” and does not say, ”I believe in one holy Roman church.” The Roman church is and should be one portion or member of the holy Christian church, not the head, which befits solely Christ the cornerstone. If not, it is not a Christian but an UN-Christian and anti-Christian church, that is, a papal school of scoundrels. (Luther’s Works, Volume 41, Church and Ministry III, Against The Roman Papacy, An Institution Of The Devil, p.311)

I believe the pope is the masked and incarnate devil because he is the Antichrist. As Christ is God incarnate, so the Antichrist is the devil incarnate. The words are really spoken of the pope when its said that hes a mixed god, an earthly god, that is , a god of the earth. Here god is understood as god of this world. Why does he call himself an earthly god, as if the one, almighty God werent also on the earth? The kingdom of the pope really signifies the terrible wrath of God, namely, the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place. (Luthers Works, vol.54, Table Talks, No.4487, p.346)

C. H. Spurgeon on Popery

"It is the bounden duty of every Christian to pray against Antichrist, and as to what Antichrist is no sane man ought to raise a question. If it be not the Popery in the Church of Rome there is nothing in the world that can be called by that name. It wounds Christ, robs Christ of His glory, puts sacramental efficacy in the place of His atonement, and lifts a piece of bread in the place of the Saviour....If we pray against it, because it is against Him, we shall love the persons though we hate their errors; we shall love their souls, though we loathe and detest their dogmas...."

-- C. H. Spurgeon

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Frälsningens väg!

Heb 11:25 Han ville hellre utstå lidande med Guds folk än för en kort tid leva i syndig njutning;
Heb 12:2 Och må vi därvid se på Jesus, trons hövding och fullkomnare, på honom, som i stället för att taga den glädje som låg framför honom, utstod korsets lidande och aktade smäleken för intet, och som nu sitter på högra sidan om Guds tron.
Heb 12:3 Ja, på honom, som har utstått så mycken gensägelse av syndare, på honom mån I tänka, så att I icke tröttnen och uppgivens i edra själar.
Heb 12:15 Och sen till, att ingen går miste om Guds nåd, och att ingen giftig rot skjuter skott och bliver till fördärv, så att menigheten därigenom bliver besmittad;
Heb 12:16 sen till, att ingen är en otuktig människa eller ohelig såsom Esau, han som för en enda maträtt sålde sin förstfödslorätt.
Heb 12:17 I veten ju att han ock sedermera blev avvisad, när han på grund av arvsrätt ville få välsignelsen; han kunde nämligen icke vinna någon ändring, fastän han med tårar sökte därefter.
Heb 10:36 I behöven nämligen ståndaktighet för att kunna göra Guds vilja och få vad utlovat är.
Heb 10:37 Ty "ännu en helt liten tid, så kommer den som skall komma, och han skall icke dröja;
Heb 10:38 och min rättfärdige skall leva av tro. Men om någon drager sig undan, så finner min själ icke behag i honom".
Heb 10:39 Dock, vi höra icke till dem som draga sig undan, sig själva till fördärv; vi höra till dem som tro och så vinna sina själar.

Ord 25:26 Såsom en grumlad källa och en fördärvad brunn, så är en rättfärdig som vacklar inför den ogudaktige.

Upp 3:16 Men nu, då du är ljum och varken varm eller kall, skall jag utspy dig ur min mun.

Se Ljum, sammanblandad, mixad, förväxlad, utbytt, utväxlad, ersatt, avlöst, efterträdd, liknöjd, likgiltig!

2Ti 4:7 Jag har kämpat den goda kampen, jag har fullbordat mitt lopp, jag har bevarat tron.
2Ti 4:8 Nu ligger rättfärdighetens segerkrans tillreds åt mig, och Herren, den rättfärdige domaren, skall giva den åt mig på "den dagen", och icke åt mig allenast, utan åt alla som hava älskat hans tillkommelse.

Jesus HATES the deeds of the Nicolaitiane, which I also hate.

Rev. 2:6 But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitianes, which I also hate. Nicolaitianes -To conquer the people or laity, these "deeds" had become in Pergamos a "doctrine" (Rev. 2:15)


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