

Benny Hinn Really Is An Oil Salesman
From Benny Hinn’s website shop -
“Olive Tree Planting in the Holy Land
Throughout the Bible, olive trees have always been significant. [endtimes comment?!!!]
Now you can help take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations by sponsoring the cultivation of a designated olive tree in Israel in the Benny Hinn Ministries Olive Tree Grove. As a charter member of the Benny Hinn Ministries Holy Land Olive Tree Trustee Board, you will receive a bottle of olive oil produced in Israel, a planting location map and certificate, a certificate of enrollment, and a welcome booklet. Become a charter member today with your gift to the ministry.
Price: $200.00″
Another for profit website here charges US$182 dollars less, that is only US$18 dollars – to plant an olive tree. They also provide a certificate. Ok, so you don’t get a bottle of “Israeli” olive oil with Benny Hinn’s picture on it [as per the picture below] but how much is a bottle of snake oil with a sticky printed label on it really worth? That is some markup! And what’s with the cheesy picture of Benny Hinn on the bottle anyway?
Benny Hinn - Catholic Mystic
My comment:
Here you can see the proofs of that Benny Hinn is an Catholic mystic, visiting Livets Ord, Ulf Ekman circus show concept in Uppsala Sweden, promoting his books and hosting the same erroneous teachings, where in fact Ulf Ekman a host of Vatican messengers and ecumenical/charismatic chaos, demon teachings, misleading many into a false concept of “unity”, brooding the way to the Mother Church of all harlots!
Brooding - dark, gloomy, dim, overcast, dull, dismal, murky, miserable, boding evil, ill-omened, fateful, ill-fated, doomed, fated, destined, damned, predestined condemned, disaster-prone, ruined, lost, hopeless, etc.
As for Ulf Ekman a host of Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copland, Oral Roberts and many other mystic teachers self proclaimed prophets, teaching demon doctrines.
This is the Catholic/charismatic-mysticism sweeping over the churches uprooting the true Faith and twisting, falsification the scripture!
For more information about Benny Hinn go to: http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/bhinn.html
Ovanstående kommentar Inlagd av Leif Berg
Here is the articles
Benny Hinn - Catholic Mystic
by Joseph Chambers, Paw Creek Ministries, 2000
The world of Benny Hinn is a strange, confusing world. He fits perfectly into the category of a Charismatic Catholic priest, dispensing theological bondage and mystical superstition. The ministry of "Personal Freedom Outreach" describes a recent Benny Hinn three (3) hour video which presented him "as a 'twentieth century' 'Holy of Holies', a 'point of contact' for the power and anointing of God, much as Roman Catholic priests were presented during medieval times." (The Confusing World of Benny Hinn, Fisher and Goedelman, p. 79.)
They also suggested that he is becoming a kind of "Charismatic Pope."
There' are a host of problems in the Benny Hinn world, but nothing is more dangerous than his Catholic style and theology. Katrhyn Kuhlman was clearly the first public Charismatic to merge Catholic ideas and support with her Charismatic operation. Benny Hinn considers himself a benefactor and model of the Kuhlman mystic. Oral Roberts said on the three hour Hinn video, "I saw Kathryn Kuhlman as unparalleled, implying that Hinn is greater than Kuhlman." Roberts then spoke of himself as having God's power ... in his right hand, but said . of Hinn, his anointing "fills the building . . . a greater level has come."
Benny Hinn And Catholic Confusion
There is not an organization on the face of this earth that is more thoroughly demonic than Catholicism. It is riddled with heathen teachings and doctrines of devils.
Yet, Hinn proudly stated, "My upbringing, of course, was Catholic in that I attended the Catholic school in Jaffa, Israel. And so my mentality basically is a Catholic mentality. When I was born again, I was Catholic in my ways. I was very Catholic in my ideas, in my behavior." (Christianity Today, Sept. 3, 1991.)
Indeed, the mysticism that accompanies his ministry, and according to his words, has done so since the first time he spoke publicly, is in the very style of a medieval mystic.
Benny Hinn personally told two reporters from the Toronto Globe And Mail in an article dated December 25, 1976, about his first speaking engagement. This supposedly occurred on December 7, 1974, at the Trinity Pentecostal Church in Oshawa.
His words were, "I held up my hands to pray and the100 people present fell on the floor. That's when I became aware of my tremendous power."
These kinds of phenomenon happen frequently in mystical religions, occultic ceremonies and with religious gurus, but are absolutely absent in Holy Scripture. The only time in the Bible that a person fen on the floor was when God Himself was manifested or an angel appeared to that individual.
To even consider a person having power to knock people on the floor flies in the face of reason and Biblical order. Why would God give a man or woman power to slay people? If He is going to manifest such a demonstration of His presence in His prophets or prophetesses, He is going to do something of meaning, not nonsense. It would disturb my soul for God to use me to slay people by the thousands and then heal them by the handfuls. If it is really God; and He cares about mankind; why would He not heal thousands and slay the handfuls. The God of Holy Scripture does not do foolish and meaningless things. That is Satan's style, not the Heavenly Father's.
Benny Hinn And The Catholic Mass
The Mass as celebrated in Catholic churches is a blasphemous event. Nothing moved the reformers to resist the Pope and the doctrines of Catholicism more than this false teaching. The Mass proposes the constant death of Jesus Christ over and over, plus it is a fetish practice that reduces a Believer to a God-eating cannibal. The whole idea is subhuman and represents a religious descent in to gory superstition. No wonder the doctrines of Mary were necessary to aid the constant dying Redeemer as His co-redemptrix. If the body and blood of Jesus must be offered by Him as a constant death, then His resurrection is reduced to a helpless idea and the ascended Mary becomes the bridge to their unsure future. Even purgatory is needed because of the weakened Messiah who is still being baptized in His daily death. It is a confusing and unbiblical picture.
Apparently, Benny Hinn loves this confusion.
Let me quote an experience that he recently told on the Paul Crouch (TBN) television show.
"On national television, Hinn recently shared an experience which should raise a red flag in the minds of all thinking Christians. In the course of describing a Catholic communion service in Amarillo in which he took part, he stated that he suddenly felt numb, then felt someone step in front of him. The sensation become so real that he then reached out and touched a robe which had "a silky feeling, a beautiful softness to the robe. ... The next thing I was feeling was actually the form of a body, the shape of a body. And my body ... went totally numb.... And God really gave me a revelation that night, that when we partake communion, it's not just communion, Paul [Crouch]. We are partaking Christ Jesus himself. He did not say, "Take, eat, this represents my body." He said, "This is my body, broken for you..." When you partake communion, you're partaking Christ, and that heals your body. When you partake Jesus how can you stay weak?...sick? ... And so tonight, as we partake communion, we're not partaking bread. We're partaking what He said we would be partaking of: "This is my body."' " (The Confusing World Of Benny Hinn, G. Richard Fisher and M. Kurt Goedelman, pp. 132-133, quoting Praise The Lord Show, Trinity Broadcasting network, December 27, 1994.)
Benny Hinn is clearly a Catholic mystic invading Charismatic and Evangelical churches with doctrines of demons.
The work of the cross is a finished work. The true faith of Bible believers does not and cannot survive mystical religious experiences. "The just shall live by faith." (Galatians 3:11, KJV.) Apostle Paul wrote to the Galatians of this danger. He called it being "bewitched", deceived by the spirit of witchcraft, when we try to aid our faith with fleshly ceremonies and ritualism.
"O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, be ore whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are ye so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh? Have ye suffered so many things in vain? If it be yet in vain." (Galatians 3:1-4, KJV).
Benny Hinn Is A Catholic Mystic
The simple faith of our Lord Jesus Christ is being severely tested in these closing hours. People have itching ears and want to hear soothing messages. There is an incredible desire for esoteric experiences and religious giants. Most religious people are not satisfied with a simple Bible-centered church where they learn truth and feed on the Word of God. They have not been taught that the Word of God can carry your spirit right into the fellowship of the great and true God. No one is more to blame for this state of religion than the ministers. The true church cannot survive without a genuine move of the HolySpirit. The Holy Spirit is God's restrainer and protector of our minds and souls. The church needs revival. In this atmosphere, a mystic like Hinn can supply a false religious high and appeal to that longing in man for a God that can be known. Hinn talks over and over of this revelation he is getting from his god. While his theology is even changing, his talk of these revelations is constant. Most people do not even hear the implication of the doctrines as long as they are feeling goose bumps and shedding tears. People are so hungry to experience God that reducing Him to a shallow emotion is to them better than nothing.
It is the same bondage that enslaved millions of Catholics, Hindus, Moonies, etc. It is a false emotion created by clever mystics, voodoo witchdoctors and multiple gurus with the aide of the master of deceit.
The mysticism of Benny Hinn can only be described as demonic. His ability to lash out at his enemies and to those that expose his deception one minute, and then to receive a revelation from God the next is confusing to say the least. He has confessed to his false doctrines and promised to clean up his theology time after time, but continues in the same vein. His followers treat these lapses in the same way the ancient Babylonians treated their cruel gods that had to be appeased by their constant sacrifices and adoration. His power over the crowds who attend his church, the large crusades, and who watch by television, is scary. It gives some idea of the control the Antichrist will have over the masses.
It appears that his mystical craziness blended with his god-like announcement has elevated him to a level of a mini-god. He cannot be described by any term more fitting than as a religious mystic. He aptly blends his Jerusalem heritage, his Catholic background and mindset, and his Charismatic personality with his prosperity doctrines to present himself as an intriguing, successful showman. He is clearly captivating.
Benny Hinn's Pronouncements: Does He Knowingly Lie?
A recent article in The Inkhorn, published by Rev. Larry Thomas, stated,
"... the televangelist-faith healer has a well-documented reputation for fabrications, embellishments, truth-twisting, exaggerations and misstatements. Following up his stories usually leads to a series of hyped-up claims that cannot stand the light of truth. Hinn has misrepresented everything from his three conversion stories to his father's political career, his boyhood stutter and a plane crash in which he said he escaped without even a scratch." (The Inkhom, August 1995, p. 13.)
Mr. Hinn apparently has a serious problem with credibility. His recent book, Welcome Holy Spirit, tells a story of his being invited to a Catholic hospital while preaching a revival in Ontario, Canada. He was invited for this crusade by Pastor Ted Spring at the Elim Pentecostal Tabernacle. Hinn stated in his book,
"I received a special invitation from the Reverend Mother of a Catholic Hospital in the area. She wanted me to conduct a service for the patients - along with three other Pentecostal preachers and seven Catholic priests. The chapel of the large hospital seated about 150." (Welcome Holy Spirit, Benny Hinn, p. 23 1.)
Benny Hinn then tells an intriguing story of this event. He said that the chapel was filled with chronically ill, bed and wheelchair patients, and doctors and nurses watching. He said he took control and with anointing oil he and the ministers and Catholic priests began anointing and praying for the sick. He said one priest kept knocking down (meaning the Holy Spirit) as he anointed them. He stated that the hospital looked like an earthquake had hit and that people were under the power of the Spirit. (Ibid, p. 234) He quoted the Reverend Mother (his term) as saying,
"After the service in the chapel, the Reverend Mother asked, 'Oh this is wonderful. Would you mind coming now and laying hands on all the patients in the rooms?' ... More than fifty doctors, nurses, Pentecostal preachers, priests and nuns joined this 'Miracle Invasion' team as we headed for. those hospital rooms." (Ibid.)
Hinn further stated,
".... We entered the lounge ... One by one, they fell under the power. In fact, as we began to pray for one gentleman who was smoking, he fell under the power with a lit cigarette still in his mouth." (Ibid. p. 235.)
What a fascinating story. The only problem is the story appears to be a total fabrication. The same hospital recently released a statement denying that Hinn's story occurred in their hospital. They stated.
"No such events have ever occurred at General Hospital. His pronouncement can neither be verified through the medical records nor by the hospital. Mr. Hinn's claims are outlandish and unwarranted." (Ouarterly Journal, Personal Freedom Outreach, July-Sept, 1995.)
It is clear that Benny Hinn is a Catholic Charismatic in the medieval mystic vein. Our greatest concern should be to warn people of this End Time deception and teach the absolute necessity of careful faithfulness to the Holy Scripture.
The Hinn phenomenon could not exist in a Bible-centered atmosphere. He would be exposed immediately!
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Shocking facts about Benny Hinn...
Go to this link for more information: http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/bhinn.html
At the 1997 National Assemblies of God Conference in Adelaide Benny Hinn again eulogised the Pope and told of his meeting with Cardinal Sin of the Philippines and their private agreement that Sin would promote Hinn and that Hinn would encourage Roman Catholics to return to and remain in their Catholic faith and Church. Notwithstanding these facts prominent AOG leaders in Australia and New Zealand continue to support, endorse and sponsor Benny Hinn's visits to Australasia.
Elougize the pope – praise, extol, laud, sing the praises of, praise to the skies, wax lyrical, romantic, emotional, inspired, get carried away, lose control, go wild, go over the top, lose your self-control, get excited, go wild, be reckless, lose your sense of proportion, rave about, go on about, go mad about, praise etc.
Unmasked.....Benny Hinn
Compiled by Neil Richardson - UK
and Philip Powell - NZ
Mr Hinn is ordained by the International Convention of Faith Churches and Ministers, the chief proponents of which are Kenneth Hagin and Kenneth Copeland. He is also fully endorsed by Oral Roberts of the same stable. He has said, ``I no longer believe the faith message" (Christianity Today, October 1991), but he continues to staunchly defend the tenets of this group, which stresses ‘positive confession' and health-and-wealth prosperity teachings: ``Those who attack confession are on the devil's side." (Benny Hinn, TBN, 8th June 1992.) Here is a quote that shows his advocacy of their peculiar ‘you are gods' heresy:
``Now are you ready for some real revelation knowledge? OK. Now watch this: He laid aside His divine form...so one day I would be clothed on earth with the divine form. Kenneth Hagin has a teaching. A lot of people have problems with it. Yet it is an absolute truth. Kenneth Copeland has a teaching. Many Christians have put holes in it, but it's divine truth. Hagin and Copeland say: You are god. Ye are gods.
‘Oh! I can't be god.' Hold it. Let's bring balance to this teaching. The balance is being taught by Hagin. It's those that repeat him that mess it up. The balance is being taught by Copeland, who is my dear friend, but it's those that repeat what he says that are messing it up. You see there brother? When Jesus was on earth, the Bible says that first He disrobed Himself of the divine form. He, the limitless God, became a man, that we men, may become as He is." (Our Position in Christ, Orlando Christian Centre, 1990.)
For more reading of the full texts visit Deception in the Church Articles on my Blogglist or go to:
Mystic – spiritualist, telepathist, diviner, seer, mind reader, medium, shaman, sage, mystical, spiritual, magic, supernatural, paranormal, ghostly, ghostlike, uncanny, weird, bizarre, eerie, unnatural, numinous, magical, mysterious, miraculous, thrilling, delightful, magic, wonderful, enchanting, captivating, charming, astonishing, breathtaking, exquisite, magic, perfect special, cherished, touching, moving, enchanting, charmed, dreamlike, fairylike, fairy-tale, fairy story, folk tale, folk story, myth, legend, fable, enchanted, magic, magical, imaginary, mythical, legendary, fabled, fabulous, make-believe, fabrication, invention, lie, fib, untruth, falsehood, fairy story, happy, storybook, happy ever after, perfect, romantic, traditional, enchanting, improbable, fabricated, unbelievable, make-believe, made-up, highly colored, mythical, imaginary, untrue, fictitious, fictional, made-up, make-believe, invented, unreal, false, magic, enchanted, etc.
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