lördag 30 januari 2010

Benny Hinn - Catholic Mystic -fictitious, fictional, made-up, make-believe.

Benny Hinn Really Is An Oil Salesman

From Benny Hinn’s website shop -

“Olive Tree Planting in the Holy Land

Throughout the Bible, olive trees have always been significant. [endtimes comment?!!!]

Now you can help take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations by sponsoring the cultivation of a designated olive tree in Israel in the Benny Hinn Ministries Olive Tree Grove. As a charter member of the Benny Hinn Ministries Holy Land Olive Tree Trustee Board, you will receive a bottle of olive oil produced in Israel, a planting location map and certificate, a certificate of enrollment, and a welcome booklet. Become a charter member today with your gift to the ministry.

Price: $200.00″

Another for profit website here charges US$182 dollars less, that is only US$18 dollars – to plant an olive tree. They also provide a certificate. Ok, so you don’t get a bottle of “Israeli” olive oil with Benny Hinn’s picture on it [as per the picture below] but how much is a bottle of snake oil with a sticky printed label on it really worth? That is some markup! And what’s with the cheesy picture of Benny Hinn on the bottle anyway?

Benny Hinn - Catholic Mystic

My comment:
Here you can see the proofs of that Benny Hinn is an Catholic mystic, visiting Livets Ord, Ulf Ekman circus show concept in Uppsala Sweden, promoting his books and hosting the same erroneous teachings, where in fact Ulf Ekman a host of Vatican messengers and ecumenical/charismatic chaos, demon teachings, misleading many into a false concept of “unity”, brooding the way to the Mother Church of all harlots!

Brooding - dark, gloomy, dim, overcast, dull, dismal, murky, miserable, boding evil, ill-omened, fateful, ill-fated, doomed, fated, destined, damned, predestined condemned, disaster-prone, ruined, lost, hopeless, etc.

As for Ulf Ekman a host of Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copland, Oral Roberts and many other mystic teachers self proclaimed prophets, teaching demon doctrines.

This is the Catholic/charismatic-mysticism sweeping over the churches uprooting the true Faith and twisting, falsification the scripture!

For more information about Benny Hinn go to: http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/bhinn.html

Ovanstående kommentar Inlagd av Leif Berg

Here is the articles

Benny Hinn - Catholic Mystic
by Joseph Chambers, Paw Creek Ministries, 2000

The world of Benny Hinn is a strange, confusing world. He fits perfectly into the category of a Charismatic Catholic priest, dispensing theological bondage and mystical superstition. The ministry of "Personal Freedom Outreach" describes a recent Benny Hinn three (3) hour video which presented him "as a 'twentieth century' 'Holy of Holies', a 'point of contact' for the power and anointing of God, much as Roman Catholic priests were presented during medieval times." (The Confusing World of Benny Hinn, Fisher and Goedelman, p. 79.)

They also suggested that he is becoming a kind of "Charismatic Pope."

There' are a host of problems in the Benny Hinn world, but nothing is more dangerous than his Catholic style and theology. Katrhyn Kuhlman was clearly the first public Charismatic to merge Catholic ideas and support with her Charismatic operation. Benny Hinn considers himself a benefactor and model of the Kuhlman mystic. Oral Roberts said on the three hour Hinn video, "I saw Kathryn Kuhlman as unparalleled, implying that Hinn is greater than Kuhlman." Roberts then spoke of himself as having God's power ... in his right hand, but said . of Hinn, his anointing "fills the building . . . a greater level has come."

Benny Hinn And Catholic Confusion

There is not an organization on the face of this earth that is more thoroughly demonic than Catholicism. It is riddled with heathen teachings and doctrines of devils.

Yet, Hinn proudly stated, "My upbringing, of course, was Catholic in that I attended the Catholic school in Jaffa, Israel. And so my mentality basically is a Catholic mentality. When I was born again, I was Catholic in my ways. I was very Catholic in my ideas, in my behavior." (Christianity Today, Sept. 3, 1991.)
Indeed, the mysticism that accompanies his ministry, and according to his words, has done so since the first time he spoke publicly, is in the very style of a medieval mystic.

Benny Hinn personally told two reporters from the Toronto Globe And Mail in an article dated December 25, 1976, about his first speaking engagement. This supposedly occurred on December 7, 1974, at the Trinity Pentecostal Church in Oshawa.
His words were, "I held up my hands to pray and the100 people present fell on the floor. That's when I became aware of my tremendous power."

These kinds of phenomenon happen frequently in mystical religions, occultic ceremonies and with religious gurus, but are absolutely absent in Holy Scripture. The only time in the Bible that a person fen on the floor was when God Himself was manifested or an angel appeared to that individual.

To even consider a person having power to knock people on the floor flies in the face of reason and Biblical order. Why would God give a man or woman power to slay people? If He is going to manifest such a demonstration of His presence in His prophets or prophetesses, He is going to do something of meaning, not nonsense. It would disturb my soul for God to use me to slay people by the thousands and then heal them by the handfuls. If it is really God; and He cares about mankind; why would He not heal thousands and slay the handfuls. The God of Holy Scripture does not do foolish and meaningless things. That is Satan's style, not the Heavenly Father's.

Benny Hinn And The Catholic Mass

The Mass as celebrated in Catholic churches is a blasphemous event. Nothing moved the reformers to resist the Pope and the doctrines of Catholicism more than this false teaching. The Mass proposes the constant death of Jesus Christ over and over, plus it is a fetish practice that reduces a Believer to a God-eating cannibal. The whole idea is subhuman and represents a religious descent in to gory superstition. No wonder the doctrines of Mary were necessary to aid the constant dying Redeemer as His co-redemptrix. If the body and blood of Jesus must be offered by Him as a constant death, then His resurrection is reduced to a helpless idea and the ascended Mary becomes the bridge to their unsure future. Even purgatory is needed because of the weakened Messiah who is still being baptized in His daily death. It is a confusing and unbiblical picture.

Apparently, Benny Hinn loves this confusion.

Let me quote an experience that he recently told on the Paul Crouch (TBN) television show.

"On national television, Hinn recently shared an experience which should raise a red flag in the minds of all thinking Christians. In the course of describing a Catholic communion service in Amarillo in which he took part, he stated that he suddenly felt numb, then felt someone step in front of him. The sensation become so real that he then reached out and touched a robe which had "a silky feeling, a beautiful softness to the robe. ... The next thing I was feeling was actually the form of a body, the shape of a body. And my body ... went totally numb.... And God really gave me a revelation that night, that when we partake communion, it's not just communion, Paul [Crouch]. We are partaking Christ Jesus himself. He did not say, "Take, eat, this represents my body." He said, "This is my body, broken for you..." When you partake communion, you're partaking Christ, and that heals your body. When you partake Jesus how can you stay weak?...sick? ... And so tonight, as we partake communion, we're not partaking bread. We're partaking what He said we would be partaking of: "This is my body."' " (The Confusing World Of Benny Hinn, G. Richard Fisher and M. Kurt Goedelman, pp. 132-133, quoting Praise The Lord Show, Trinity Broadcasting network, December 27, 1994.)

Benny Hinn is clearly a Catholic mystic invading Charismatic and Evangelical churches with doctrines of demons.

The work of the cross is a finished work. The true faith of Bible believers does not and cannot survive mystical religious experiences. "The just shall live by faith." (Galatians 3:11, KJV.) Apostle Paul wrote to the Galatians of this danger. He called it being "bewitched", deceived by the spirit of witchcraft, when we try to aid our faith with fleshly ceremonies and ritualism.

"O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, be ore whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are ye so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh? Have ye suffered so many things in vain? If it be yet in vain." (Galatians 3:1-4, KJV).

Benny Hinn Is A Catholic Mystic

The simple faith of our Lord Jesus Christ is being severely tested in these closing hours. People have itching ears and want to hear soothing messages. There is an incredible desire for esoteric experiences and religious giants. Most religious people are not satisfied with a simple Bible-centered church where they learn truth and feed on the Word of God. They have not been taught that the Word of God can carry your spirit right into the fellowship of the great and true God. No one is more to blame for this state of religion than the ministers. The true church cannot survive without a genuine move of the HolySpirit. The Holy Spirit is God's restrainer and protector of our minds and souls. The church needs revival. In this atmosphere, a mystic like Hinn can supply a false religious high and appeal to that longing in man for a God that can be known. Hinn talks over and over of this revelation he is getting from his god. While his theology is even changing, his talk of these revelations is constant. Most people do not even hear the implication of the doctrines as long as they are feeling goose bumps and shedding tears. People are so hungry to experience God that reducing Him to a shallow emotion is to them better than nothing.

It is the same bondage that enslaved millions of Catholics, Hindus, Moonies, etc. It is a false emotion created by clever mystics, voodoo witchdoctors and multiple gurus with the aide of the master of deceit.

The mysticism of Benny Hinn can only be described as demonic. His ability to lash out at his enemies and to those that expose his deception one minute, and then to receive a revelation from God the next is confusing to say the least. He has confessed to his false doctrines and promised to clean up his theology time after time, but continues in the same vein. His followers treat these lapses in the same way the ancient Babylonians treated their cruel gods that had to be appeased by their constant sacrifices and adoration. His power over the crowds who attend his church, the large crusades, and who watch by television, is scary. It gives some idea of the control the Antichrist will have over the masses.

It appears that his mystical craziness blended with his god-like announcement has elevated him to a level of a mini-god. He cannot be described by any term more fitting than as a religious mystic. He aptly blends his Jerusalem heritage, his Catholic background and mindset, and his Charismatic personality with his prosperity doctrines to present himself as an intriguing, successful showman. He is clearly captivating.

Benny Hinn's Pronouncements: Does He Knowingly Lie?

A recent article in The Inkhorn, published by Rev. Larry Thomas, stated,
"... the televangelist-faith healer has a well-documented reputation for fabrications, embellishments, truth-twisting, exaggerations and misstatements. Following up his stories usually leads to a series of hyped-up claims that cannot stand the light of truth. Hinn has misrepresented everything from his three conversion stories to his father's political career, his boyhood stutter and a plane crash in which he said he escaped without even a scratch." (The Inkhom, August 1995, p. 13.)

Mr. Hinn apparently has a serious problem with credibility. His recent book, Welcome Holy Spirit, tells a story of his being invited to a Catholic hospital while preaching a revival in Ontario, Canada. He was invited for this crusade by Pastor Ted Spring at the Elim Pentecostal Tabernacle. Hinn stated in his book,
"I received a special invitation from the Reverend Mother of a Catholic Hospital in the area. She wanted me to conduct a service for the patients - along with three other Pentecostal preachers and seven Catholic priests. The chapel of the large hospital seated about 150." (Welcome Holy Spirit, Benny Hinn, p. 23 1.)

Benny Hinn then tells an intriguing story of this event. He said that the chapel was filled with chronically ill, bed and wheelchair patients, and doctors and nurses watching. He said he took control and with anointing oil he and the ministers and Catholic priests began anointing and praying for the sick. He said one priest kept knocking down (meaning the Holy Spirit) as he anointed them. He stated that the hospital looked like an earthquake had hit and that people were under the power of the Spirit. (Ibid, p. 234) He quoted the Reverend Mother (his term) as saying,
"After the service in the chapel, the Reverend Mother asked, 'Oh this is wonderful. Would you mind coming now and laying hands on all the patients in the rooms?' ... More than fifty doctors, nurses, Pentecostal preachers, priests and nuns joined this 'Miracle Invasion' team as we headed for. those hospital rooms." (Ibid.)
Hinn further stated,
".... We entered the lounge ... One by one, they fell under the power. In fact, as we began to pray for one gentleman who was smoking, he fell under the power with a lit cigarette still in his mouth." (Ibid. p. 235.)

What a fascinating story. The only problem is the story appears to be a total fabrication. The same hospital recently released a statement denying that Hinn's story occurred in their hospital. They stated.
"No such events have ever occurred at General Hospital. His pronouncement can neither be verified through the medical records nor by the hospital. Mr. Hinn's claims are outlandish and unwarranted."
(Ouarterly Journal, Personal Freedom Outreach, July-Sept, 1995.)

It is clear that Benny Hinn is a Catholic Charismatic in the medieval mystic vein. Our greatest concern should be to warn people of this End Time deception and teach the absolute necessity of careful faithfulness to the Holy Scripture.

The Hinn phenomenon could not exist in a Bible-centered atmosphere. He would be exposed immediately!

More from
Shocking facts about Benny Hinn...

Go to this link for more information: http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/bhinn.html

At the 1997 National Assemblies of God Conference in Adelaide Benny Hinn again eulogised the Pope and told of his meeting with Cardinal Sin of the Philippines and their private agreement that Sin would promote Hinn and that Hinn would encourage Roman Catholics to return to and remain in their Catholic faith and Church. Notwithstanding these facts prominent AOG leaders in Australia and New Zealand continue to support, endorse and sponsor Benny Hinn's visits to Australasia.

Elougize the pope – praise, extol, laud, sing the praises of, praise to the skies, wax lyrical, romantic, emotional, inspired, get carried away, lose control, go wild, go over the top, lose your self-control, get excited, go wild, be reckless, lose your sense of proportion, rave about, go on about, go mad about, praise etc.

Unmasked.....Benny Hinn
Compiled by Neil Richardson - UK
and Philip Powell - NZ

Mr Hinn is ordained by the International Convention of Faith Churches and Ministers, the chief proponents of which are Kenneth Hagin and Kenneth Copeland. He is also fully endorsed by Oral Roberts of the same stable. He has said, ``I no longer believe the faith message" (Christianity Today, October 1991), but he continues to staunchly defend the tenets of this group, which stresses ‘positive confession' and health-and-wealth prosperity teachings: ``Those who attack confession are on the devil's side." (Benny Hinn, TBN, 8th June 1992.) Here is a quote that shows his advocacy of their peculiar ‘you are gods' heresy:
``Now are you ready for some real revelation knowledge? OK. Now watch this: He laid aside His divine form...so one day I would be clothed on earth with the divine form. Kenneth Hagin has a teaching. A lot of people have problems with it. Yet it is an absolute truth. Kenneth Copeland has a teaching. Many Christians have put holes in it, but it's divine truth. Hagin and Copeland say: You are god. Ye are gods.

‘Oh! I can't be god.' Hold it. Let's bring balance to this teaching. The balance is being taught by Hagin. It's those that repeat him that mess it up. The balance is being taught by Copeland, who is my dear friend, but it's those that repeat what he says that are messing it up. You see there brother? When Jesus was on earth, the Bible says that first He disrobed Himself of the divine form. He, the limitless God, became a man, that we men, may become as He is." (Our Position in Christ, Orlando Christian Centre, 1990.)

For more reading of the full texts visit Deception in the Church Articles on my Blogglist or go to:


Mystic – spiritualist, telepathist, diviner, seer, mind reader, medium, shaman, sage, mystical, spiritual, magic, supernatural, paranormal, ghostly, ghostlike, uncanny, weird, bizarre, eerie, unnatural, numinous, magical, mysterious, miraculous, thrilling, delightful, magic, wonderful, enchanting, captivating, charming, astonishing, breathtaking, exquisite, magic, perfect special, cherished, touching, moving, enchanting, charmed, dreamlike, fairylike, fairy-tale, fairy story, folk tale, folk story, myth, legend, fable, enchanted, magic, magical, imaginary, mythical, legendary, fabled, fabulous, make-believe, fabrication, invention, lie, fib, untruth, falsehood, fairy story, happy, storybook, happy ever after, perfect, romantic, traditional, enchanting, improbable, fabricated, unbelievable, make-believe, made-up, highly colored, mythical, imaginary, untrue, fictitious, fictional, made-up, make-believe, invented, unreal, false, magic, enchanted, etc.

fredag 29 januari 2010

Benny Hinn refused entry!

Benny Hinn refused entry!

From The Times
October 3, 2009


My comment:
Here is some facts about Benny Hinn and his money-stealing misleading circus show.
Here you can see how to make a count in a deceptive way and some more facts!
Or how to grow into fakes, lies, and a deceptive way! Telling lies in hypocrisy!

Texas televangelist Benny Hinn refused entry to Britain

Out in the cold: Benny Hinn had been due to speak to thousands of Pentecostal Christians at the ExCel Centre in London
An American Christian preacher has been turned away from Britain, leaving thousands of people stranded at an evangelical rally in London this weekend.
Benny Hinn, from Texas, who draws large crowds to his Pentecostal revival rallies, was turned back at Stansted airport under new rules on visiting ministers of religion.
Many thousands of Pentecostal Christians travelled from across Britain and Europe and booked long weekend breaks in the capital’s hotels for his mission at the ExCeL exhibition centre in Docklands, East London, which had been due to begin on Thursday night.
They were left disappointed after Border Agency officials turned him back when he landed with his private jet because he had failed to obtain a “letter of sponsorship” from a church.
Instead, Mr Hinn flew on to Paris and tried to enter Britain at Luton airport but was again turned back. He was on his way back to France last night.
Jill Masefield, who lives in Bristol, said that she and thousands of other followers had been left waiting for Mr Hinn to appear at the free preaching event, not knowing why he had not appeared.Instead, another pastor preached and requested donations of up to £1,000.
“He’s been coming here for years and years,” she said. “I think it is very unfair that they have blocked him now. It has cost me a fortune in hotel bills and I feel we have been led up the garden path. It is extremely unfair.”
The Benny Hinn “fire conference and miracle service” was scheduled to last three days. Among the “miracles” the Texan preacher performs are those in which he instructs participants to “let the bodies hit the floor”. The routine is featured on YouTube videos that show the devout falling down backwards, “slain in the spirit”.

A spokeswoman for ExCeL said thatMr Hinn had been turned back at immigration and would not be coming. Staff at the exhibition centre were meeting last night to decide whether to provide another evangelical preacher in his place.

Mr Hinn has visited before without any problem but the Home Office has changed the rules for ministers of religion. He fell foul of tier five of the new points-based system for all visitors to Britain, which came into effect last November. One of the aims of the new rules was to combat extremism and prevent teachers of religious hate entering the country.

A Border Agency spokesman said: “Under the UK’s tough new points-based system, religious workers must obtain a valid certificate of sponsorship prior to arriving in the UK. These rules are designed to make sure that a legitimate sponsor is linked to each application to enter the UK for work purposes.

“These rules are applied objectively and clearly set out for travellers. People who arrive without the required documentation can be refused entry to the UK.”

Benny Hinn/Fiji Controversy


Benny Hinn in 'Nigerian Money Row' - Sola Odunfa, BBC Focus on Africa Magazine
Pastor Hinn in Nigerian money row

By Sola Odunfa

BBC Focus On Africa magazine

In late April, scores of giant billboards and thousands of wall posters all over Lagos proclaimed the first of three days of divine miracles and healing for at least six million Nigerians - but at the end of the third day, there was more bickering over money than praise to God for mercy received.

The vehicle of the expected wonders of the Holy Spirit was the UNited States-based evangelist Benny Hinn, who flew into Nigeria in a Gulfstream private jet with a large retinue that included his bodyguards.

He was received at Lagos airport in a motorcade of Hummer jeeps and other expensive cars.

The deaf would hear, the blind would see, the lame would jump and walk, barren women would conceive, the jobless would gain employment, and the enemy - both seen and unseen - would be vanquished. Mention any problem - physical, spiritual, economic - Hinn had come with the instant solution.

But things did not go well.


About 300,000 people attended the event each night - a modest congregation by Nigerian crusade standards. It is estimated that about 1 million worshippers attend the monthly Holy Ghost Congress service organised by The Redeemed Christian Church God (RCCG) at the same venue.

Whatever disappointment he felt on the first and second days of the miracle crusade, Hinn kept to himself - but he opened up with anger on the final day.

"Four million dollars down the drain," he shouted into the microphone from the huge rostrum.

He said that he had been assured by the local organising committee that at least six million people would attend the crusade - but the total turnout was only around one million. As a result, he realised that all the mega public address equipment he had flown in from the US was not needed.

He also complained about some claimed expenditures, the charges imposed on pastors who attended his day-time seminar, and journalists who sought to cover the crusade.
He then announced publicly that he would not provide any more funds, and that the local organisers should pay all outstanding bills from the collections they made on the first two days.

Hinn's complaints instantly overshadowed the spiritual context of the event. Some people from the congregation came out to declare that they received healing and other miracles after the prayers, but they were hardly audible.

The Nigerian head of the local organising committee, Bishop Joseph Olanrewaju Obembe, accused other Nigerian Pentecostal preachers of sabotaging the crusade and peddling false information to Hinn and his aides out of envy, and to discredit him.
Soon after the crusade, a committee was set up by the leadership of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) - the umbrella body of Pentecostal churches nationwide - to investigate the funding controversy.

Big spenders

The Pentecostal faith in Nigeria is a veritable goldmine, judging by the opulence of most of its pastors.

It is made even more attractive because incomes of churches are tax-exempt. Nearly all the churches are the private property of their pastors or founders and their immediate families.

In an economic environment in which the majority of Nigeria's estimated 130 million population has been impoverished by unemployment, lack of basic social infrastructure and rising inflation, the church has become the last refuge for many people.

The favoured churches are the new-generation Pentecostal assemblies that are owned and managed solely by fast-talking American-style pastors.

Rich and powerful Nigerians run after the pastors for "spiritual protection" from imaginary 'enemies' who, they are convinced, are lurking around the corner to pull them down.

These are the big spenders in the churches.

The attraction, perhaps, lies in the often-quoted biblical injunction that "givers never lack" and the fact that most pastors don't ask the donors how they make the money they give.

Devoted service

In March 2003, a cashier at a five-star hotel was arrested for allegedly stealing nearly 40 million naira (then about US$400,000) from his employer.
His colleagues were shocked because there was nothing to suggest that he was living above his means - he had no car and he lived in a rented flat in a non-fashionable part of Lagos.

The man confessed that he gave all the money to his Pentecostal church in cash and equipment.

In another case a bank clerk stole 40 million naira from his employer and gave 10 million to his church as 'seed money' in the belief that the seed would germinate and yield several fold as promised by his pastor.

Many Nigerians believe that a large number of pastors are honest and devoted to the service of God and mankind.
But they readily take umbrage under the Yoruba saying that "only God knows who serves Him truly."

Benny Hinn's 2006 Fiji Crusade - The Figures versus The Facts - 5/11/06

Benny Hinn's 2006 Fiji Crusade
The Figures versus The Facts
May 11, 2006

The naive believes everything, But the sensible man considers his steps
(Proverbs 14:15)

Benny Hinn held his first "Miracle Crusade" in Fiji at the Post Fiji Stadium in Suva on January 20-22, 2006. Months before his arrival, and in full support of the crusade, the Fiji government's own website announced an estimated "300,000" in attendance. When the crusade ended, the attendance numbers skyrocketed to a "Total of 370,000" for the three-day event, according to Hinn's website, that is.

Putting on a crusade of any size--whether for 1,000 or 370,000 people--takes planning, preparation, and careful attention to details. But there are a few important details that apparently went unnoticed by the Fijian government, Benny Hinn, and others involved with the crusade.

More on that later.

Back to basics: What is a stadium?

According to Dictionary.com, a stadium is "A large, usually open structure for sports events with tiered seating for spectators."

Stadiums date back thousands of years to the old Greek theatres and Roman coliseums, where thousands of people gathered for various activities and events.

Speaking of stadiums, "World Stadiums is a database-related commercial website about stadiums," whose goal is to "provide the most comprehensive online stadium resource with major stadiums containing pictures and info" (refer to www.worldstadiums.com ).

According to the World Stadiums website, there are 17 stadiums in Fiji, that range in seating capacity from 1,000 to 30,000. The seating capacity for the Post Fiji Stadium, where Benny Hinn's three-day crusade was held, has a seating capacity of only "30,000" (also refer to these pictures for the "Celebrations at the Post Fiji Stadium"). The stadium capacity includes the playing field and surrounding area.

Crusade figures: attendance estimates from the Fiji government

The following statements are from the Fiji Government Online Portal at

1. "In taking this decision, Cabinet noted that the Crusade will attract a large number of people from overseas, with the total number estimated to be around 300,000 people from around Fiji and the region" ("Government to facilitate Pastor Benny Hinn visit," Fiji Government Online Portal, October 11, 2005,http://tinyurl.com/fek9m, emp. added).

2. "More than 300,000 people are expected to attend the Benny Hinn Miracle Crusade in January, says chairman of the organizing committee at the World Harvest Centre, Reverend Suliasi Kurulo. Mr Kurulo said they had already begun to train volunteers for the crusade. The Benny Hinn Miracle Crusade will be held at the Post Fiji Stadium from January 20 to 22" (Fiji Government Online Portal, News Briefs, October 15, 2005, http://www.fiji.gov.fj/publish/page_5592.shtml, emp. added).

3. "The Benny Hinn Crusades organizing committee has prepared extra facilities, to cater for the expected number of spectators that will turn out on the three nights of the Miracle Crusade that will be held at the Post Fiji Stadium beginning on Friday. Public relation coordinator Manasa Kolivuso said the committee was well ahead of the preparation and the stage was set for the event. Over 300,000 locals would be expected to turn up to the crusade on al the three nights" (Fiji Government Online Portal, News Briefs, January 19, 2006,http://tinyurl.com/kjm2h, emp. added).

Crusade figures: attendance estimates from Pastor Suliasi Kurulo

Suliasi Kurulo is the Senior Pastor of the World Harvest Centre church in Suva, Fiji, President of the Christian Mission Fellowship, Chairman of the Assembly of Christian Churches, and the Chairman of the organizing committee for the January 2006 Benny Hinn Miracle Crusade.

Apparently, Pastor Kurulo was instrumental in bringing another controversial faith healer, Reinhard Bonnke to Suva, Fiji in 2003, where a reported total of 254,000 people attended the three-day event (which is about 85,000 per day).

Refer to the following articles and pictures on Reinhard Bonnke's website, and pay close attention to the pictures of the crowd in the Post Fiji Stadium (which is another story for another time):

-- God's Fire in Fiji
-- Suva, Fiji: Day 1
-- Suva, Fiji: Day 2
-- Suva, Fiji: Day 3

The following is a word-for-word transcript from the first 2 minutes/40 seconds of Benny Hinn's "This Is Your Day Archive Show" (Miracle Crusade in Suva, Fiji, day 3, dated Friday, February 24, 2006). Pay close attention to Suliasi Kurulo's words in the following transcript.

Benny Hinn: God bless the people here in Fiji! This is; God bless you! This is an exciting moment for God's work and God's kingdom here in Fiji, and Pastor Suliasi is here with me. I want you to see this. How many of you watch This Is Your Day here in Fiji?

Wave at me. Look at all the hands. Look at all the hands all over this place; back behind us; in front of us.

His Excellency, the President, is here; his wife. The Prime Minister, even the Prime Minister watches, and his dear wife. Yeah, give the Lord a mighty hand! That's wonderful!

Now, dear pastor, you were telling me as we're sitting, uh, on the platform, how many people were here the first night, last night, and what's the estimation for today here?

Some synonyms, my own comment:
Platform – base, pedestal, stand, manifesto, scheme, plan, program,

Suliasi Kurulo: On the first night we have, about, uh, eighty thousand [80,000] people that was here...

Benny Hinn [interrupts]: That were here on the first night.

Suliasi Kurulo: That was here on the first night, and, uh, last night there were, uh, hundred and ten thousand [110,000], hundred and ten thousand people that were here last night. So, our estimation today is about, right now on the grounds, about hundred and eighty thousand [180,000] that are here right now. But people are still coming.

Benny Hinn: That is amazing. Eighty thousand the first night; a hundred and ten the second night and, already today you are estimating it's at a hundred and eighty thousand. That's amazing.

Suliasi Kurulo: And, and, we are not, this is not assumptions. We are doing the head-count, because we...

Some synonyms, my own comment:
Assumptions – assumption, hypothesis, guess, theory, speculation, presumption, philosophy, model, concept, system, scheme, idea, notion, conjecture, speculate, imagine, picture, envisage, envision, visualize, see, see in your mind's eye, make up, dream, dream up, invent, make believe, conceive of, create in your mind, conjure up, dream of, see, think of, imagine, visualize, dream up, conceive, bring to mind, invent, conjure up, create, assume, presume, notion, belief, idea,

Benny Hinn [interrupts]: You've got people counting?

Suliasi Kurulo: We've got people counting from every entry point.
[End of transcript]

Pastor Suliasi Kurolo's words prompted the following letter from Christian Research Service:

March 17, 2006

Pastor Suliasi Kurulo, President
Christian Mission Fellowship
World Harvest Center
Suva, Fiji Islands

Dear Pastor Kurulo:

I was led to write and ask you a few important questions concerning the attendance estimates during the January 2006 Benny Hinn Miracle Crusade in Suva, Fiji.

We have carefully reviewed videos, pictures of the crusade, and pictures of the Post Fiji Stadium. We have communicated with individuals from the Fiji Sports Council, and with people who attended the crusade. Also, we have researched the seating capacity of the Post Fiji Stadium (which includes the stadium grandstand, the infield, and the immediate area surrounding the infield).

We have also consulted with an expert in crowd dynamics (crowd density), which is the mathematical science of determining how much space people occupy, and how many people will safely fit into a specific area.

During the last day of the crusade, as you stood on-stage next to Benny Hinn, you said that about 80,000 people attended the first night, 110,000 attended the second night, and that an estimate of about 180,000 attended the last night. Altogether, your estimates total to 370,000 for the three-day event, which Benny Hinn also maintains.

You also said that the estimates were not assumptions, and that there were people at the crusade who were doing a head-count of those in attendance.

This leads to my first question: Are you aware that the World Stadiums website rates the seating capacity for the Post Fiji Stadium at only 30,000 people? (Click HERE for verification)

The Post Fiji Stadium grandstand has a seating capacity of about 5,000. The infield, and the immediate area surrounding the infield, has a capacity of about 30,000. These capacities fall short of your estimates of 80,000 for the first day, 110,000 for the second day, and 180,000 for the third day.

Here are some examples of stadiums with seating capacities of 150,000 and over:

Velky Strahovsky Stadium (seating capacity: 220,000)

Maracana Stadium (seating capacity: 200,000+)

Maracana Stadium (panoramic picture; seating capacity: 220,000+, including the infield)

Rungnado May Day Stadium (seating capacity: 150,000. Notice the crowded granstand and infield)

Compare the above stadiums with the Post Fiji Stadium (seating capacity: 30,000). In fact, the entire Post Fiji Stadium will fit inside the above stadiums with room to spare.

Almost two months have passed since the crusade. My second question is: Do you still maintain that 370,000 people attended the crusade during the three-day event?

Thank you, Pastor Kurulo. This is an important issue, and we look forward to your timely reply.

Sincerely in Christ,
Bud Press, Director
Christian Research Service
Jude 3

As of this writing, there has been no reply.

Crusade figures from Benny Hinn and his website

"I have just returned from Fiji where 370,000 souls heard the Gospel of our wonderful Lord Jesus! Nearly half of the nation’s population were present, including the acting president and his wife, as well as the prime minister and his wife, plus many more members of Fiji’s government" ("From the heart of Pastor Benny,"http://tinyurl.com/p2z2l, emp. added).

"On Saturday night there were about thirty thousand people at the Post Fiji Stadium. A person who claimed to be suffering from an incurable disease had gone up on stage" ( see "The Miracles Continue," emp. added).

"Haven’t the This Is Your Day! programs from the Fiji crusade been powerful? I wish you could have been with me as 370,000 souls heard the Gospel of our wonderful Lord Jesus!" (Benny Hinn Ministries e-mail newsletter, February 24, 2006, on file, emp. added).

In addition, Benny Hinn's own website places the total numbers in attendance to "370,000," and states that during the second night of the crusade, "Pastor Benny prayed with the man and his wife as they knelt together before the 110,000 there for the second night’s service" (refer to "Historic Fiji Islands Crusade Attended by a Total of 370,000!" http://tinyurl.com/pec4p, emp. added).

Hinn's website also states that during the third and final day of the crusade, "A 12-year-old girl came forward. Though she was born deaf, in an instant she could hear in both ears. She also began speaking, repeating phrases Pastor Benny said. He turned to the 180,000 in attendance, 'If I came to Fiji just to see this girl hear, it was worth it!'" (Ibid., emp. added)

Again, the Fiji government estimated 300,000 would attend the crusade. Pastor Suliasi Kurulo (with Benny Hinn at his side), estimated 80,000 for the first day; 110,000 for the second day, and 180,000 for the third day.

Apparently, the Fijian government officials who attended Hinn's crusade said nothing to disagree with the estimates.

Crusade figures: according to the news media

--- "More than 26,000 people were at the Post Fiji Stadium on Friday. According to the Fiji Sports Council, the facility can accommodate 26,000 people at one time" ("Qarase, 26,000 Welcome Televangelist to Fiji," Pacific Islands Report, January 22, 2006, emp. added).

--- "Thousands of people flocked to Fiji’s National Stadium on Friday 20th through to Sunday 22nd January for the visit of Pastor Benny Hinn. Each night the Stadium’s capacity of 26,000 people was reached. On Friday evening, Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase welcomed Pastor Hinn to Fiji" ("Benny Hinn in Suva Crusade,"Equippers-News & Photos, emp. added).

--- "About 180,000 people attended Benny Hinn's final miracle crusade at the Post Fiji Stadium yesterday afternoon. The historic gathering has prompted the self-styled miracle healer to return in June" ("Record crowd at Hinn's miracle crusade," Fiji Sun, January 23, 2006, emp. added).

--- "SUVA, Fiji (Fiji Times, Jan. 25) – More than FJ$100,000 [US$58,600] was collected from the estimated 370,000 crowd which converged at the three-day Benny Hinn Miracle Crusade at the National Stadium in Fiji during the weekend" ("Hinn Collects $58,000 In Fiji Crusade," Pacific Islands Report, January 25, 2006, brackets theirs, emp. added).

--- "In January 2006, Pastor Benny arrived with ministry team members to Fiji. Sunny and unique, the Fiji Islands are one thousand miles of pristine white sand beaches, coral gardens and lagoons. This was the first-ever crusade held on the South Pacific island. Though extremely hot and humid nothing kept the 370,000people from attending" ("Benny Hinn: The Miracle Crusader," CBN/The 700 Club).

--- "Upon being prayed upon by Hinn that Saturday evening in front of the 26,000 or so faithfuls, the woman tearfully testified that she had been cured" (Samisoni Pareti, Politics: AMERICAN MIRACLE MAN PULLS CROWD: But not without controversies," ISLANDS BUSINESS, February 3, 2006, http://tinyurl.com/ndzhy, emp. added).

--- "The Benny Hinn Miracle Crusade lasted three days and drew an estimated 180,000 people on the final day, an impressive feat in a nation where the population hovers just under 1 million" (Anoosh Jorjorian, "Exporting Evangelism," February 7, 2006, http://tinyurl.com/e7prf, emp. added).

Christian Research Service contacted Anoosh Jorjorian, and asked how the estimate of 180,000 for the final day was determined. Jorjorian replied and said the attendance numbers from Benny Hinn's crusade in Suva, Fiji were taken from the Fiji Times and the Fiji Sun.

The facts: attendance estimates from eyewitnesses

In a joint research project, Christian Research Service spent two months working with the Director of Eastern Regional Watch Ministries, Steve Muse, to determine the facts on how many people actually attended Benny Hinn's January 2006 crusade in Suva, Fiji.

The research involved countless hours of evaluating city-wide and satellite maps of Fiji, viewing pictures of the Post Fiji Stadium, watching videos, reading news articles, corresponding with an expert in Crowd Dynamics (crowd density), communicating with individuals who attended the crusade, and speaking to unnamed sources in Fiji over the phone.

As the information unfolded, glaring contradictions in the crowd estimates began to surface. For instance, one of the unnamed sources contacted officials at the Post Fiji Stadium, asked specific questions, then relayed the following information to Eastern Regional Watch and Christian Research Service:

The seating capacity of the the Post Fiji Stadium grandstand is 4,963 seats.
The infield (playing field) and the area surrounding the infield has a seating capacity of approximately 35,000 people.
A small overflow of people were crowded people in the parking lot of the Post Fiji Stadium.

To corroborate and verify the information, both CRS and ERWM contacted officials at the Fiji Sports Council, and inquired about: the seating capacity of the Fiji Post Stadium grandstand; the seating capacity of the infield (playing field) and the area surrounding the playing field; and the attendance figures for the third day of Benny Hinn's crusade.

Eventually, the information was verified, and it was determined that even if the established seating capacity for the Post Fiji Stadium grandstand, playing field, and the area surrounding the playing field were doubled, once the claim was closely examined under a factual microscope, the "Total of 370,000" falls way short of what Pastor Suliasi Kurulo and Benny Hinn have claimed.

A crash-course on 'Crowd Dynamics'

Dr. Keith Still is an internationally renowned expert on crowd dynamics, and the founder and CEO of Crowd Dynamics, Ltd. His expertise includes advising at Wembley, the Sydney Olympics, and the Hajj Pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia.

"Large crowds are a normal part of the operation of many public venues such as railway stations, fairgrounds, leisure centres and sports stadiums. From a commercial point of view large numbers of customers may be desirable. But excessive crowding and poor crowd management can lead at worst to crushing, injury and even death and at the very least to such anxiety and stress that visitors decide not to come again or recommend a visit to others" ("Crowd Risk Assessment").

"Individuals within a crowd usually behave in a rational and goal-orientated manner. For example, someone whose aim is to watch an event or celebrity may climb onto a roof or to the top of scaffold poles to get a better view, despite the danger. Other spectators with a similar aim may follow, leading to more people on the roof and the possibility of collapse and injury. A risk assessment should pick up the likelihood of this happening and enable adequate measures to be taken before the event" (Ibid.).

While there is more to crowd dynamics than figuring crowd density, in simple laymen's terms, crowd dynamics answers the question: How many people will fit safely into a room, an elevator, or a soccer stadium?

At this point, it is important for the reader to refer to Steve Muse's commentaries, "It Just Doesn't Add Up" (Benny Hinn's Bangalore, India crusade), and "It Just Doesn't Add Up-Benny Hinn & Fiji").

From skepticism to confidence: looks can be deceiving

After consulting with Dr. Keith Still on crowd dynamics, and studying Steve Muse's commentaries on crowd density during Benny Hinn's crusades in India and Fiji, there was an admitted skepticism. In other words, unless one is a trained expert in figuring and calculating the number of people in a crowd, such as a soccer stadium filled to capacity, then it would be very easy to over-estimate the numbers.

But after a careful review of the information, the skepticism turned to confidence, due to the fact that what we see with our eyes can be deceiving at times. Indeed, looks can be deceiving. This is why A picture is worth a thousand words.

A few important details

In his February 3, 2005 Commentary, "It Just Doesn't Add Up" and his March 6, 2006 Commentary, "It Just Doesn't Add Up--Benny Hinn & Fiji," Steve Muse provides the reader with ground-breaking research into the figures versus the facts behind Benny Hinn's foreign crusades:

"After the Bangalore, India event last year, where the reported attendance of 7.3 million was grossly exaggerated to the point of being ridiculous (actual attendance figures are estimated at approximately 1.2 million for the three days), with his latest crusade at Post National Stadium in Suva, Fiji. Hinn has once again given us another example of an inaccurate reporting of the facts."

See inaccurate facts - Wrong, Immoral, Wicked, Dishonest, Illegal, Sinful, Iniquitous, Criminal, Unethical, In the wrong, Amiss, Unsuitable, Sin, Crime, Injury, Wound, Harm, Damage, Insult, Injustice, Insult, Injure, Wound, Harm, Ill-treat, mistreat, maltreat, treat badly, be cruel to, neglect, Abuse, Sin against, Offend, erroneous, invalid, untrue incorrect, false, imprecise, inexact, mistaken,

Continuing, Steve maintains that the "Post National Stadium has a seating capacity of only 30,000 with an infield that can safely hold up to another 30,000 which is a far cry from the 80,000 reported the first day, the 110,000 reported on day two, or the 180,000+ reported on day three.

"If one adds 30,000 plus 30,000 it does not come close to 80,000, 110,000 or 180,000. If it was reported that the stadium was filled to capacity, I would not have given this another thought but when large numbers are indiscriminately thrown about, the red flags go off and I start to ask questions" (Ibid.).

Steve is correct. It is mathematically and physically impossible to cram 180,000 people into an area designed to contain at the most 60,000 people; unless, that is, the people are standing on top of each other like circus acrobats.

Besides, 180,000 attendees would rival some of the largest stadiums in the world, which were built specifically to contain over 100,000 people (for the record, "The greatest recorded crowd at any soccer match was 199,854, for the Brazil v. Uruguay World Cup final in the Maracanã Municipal Stadium, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on July 16, 1950" (Guinness World Records).

For a panoramic picture of the Maracanã Municipal Stadium, go to
http://tinyurl.com/gof2f. Big difference in the Maracanã and the Post Fiji National Stadium ( http://tinyurl.com/f4ukl ).

Not to beleaguer the point, but common sense dictates that a one gallon container will only hold one gallon. A 55 gallon drum will hold 55 gallons. Why? Because these specific containers are designed to contain a specified amount. The same applies to stadiums and their seating capacities.

To cram 180,000 people into an area that would only hold 60,000 at the most, is not only impossible, but extremely dangerous to the physical welfare of people in the crowd.

It goes without saying: there are a limited amount of people that can safely fit into a room, elevator, or a soccer stadium. Therefore, when the figures for Benny Hinn's Fiji crusade are compared with the facts, the figures do not add up.

Special thanks to Steve Muse of Eastern Regional Watch Ministries, Dr. Keith Still, Founder and CEO of Crowd Dynamics Limited, and the many unnamed sources in Fiji for their valuable assistance.

Letter to the President of Fiji concerning Benny Hinn

Christian Research Service Issues Challenge to the Officials and
People of the Fiji Islands

Christian Research Service Issues A Challenge
to the Officials and People of the Fiji Islands

Christian Research Service is just one discernment ministry among many here in the U.S. and overseas that has spent years conducting extensive research on Benny Hinn, and informing the body of Christ about Hinn's false teachings, false prophecies, false healings and lavish lifestyle.

Since the early 1990's, Benny Hinn's ministry has been under constant criticism--specifically from cult evangelists, apologists, theologians, pastors and former members of his churches--specifically for what he has done, said and taught during his telecasts and crusades.

And there are plenty of books, videos, DVDs, articles, news releases, news media documentaries and Christian websites that expose his deception.

According to Hinn's website and regular reports streaming in from online news sources in Fiji, Hinn is scheduled to conduct his first healing crusade in Suva, Fiji in January 2006, where an estimated 300,000 may be in attendance.

But Hinn's visit to Fiji isn't without its own controversy. The clanging chains of questions and doubt are already rattling in a city with an estimated population of 167,000 people.

Please refer to the following articles from various news sources, including Fijian:

http://www.fijivillage.com/artman/publish/article_25697.shtml ("Qarase Defends Protection for Evangelist," 12/21/05).
http://www.pacificislands.cc/pina/pinadefault2.php?urlpinaid=18898 ("FIJI: Methodists Won't Oppose Visit of US Televangelist," 12/14/05).
http://www.fijitimes.com/story.aspx?id=33558 ("Church wants Hinn banned," 12/13/05).
http://www.fijilive.com/news/show/news/2005/12/14/1407.html ("Crusade organizers undisturbed by opposition," 12/13/05).
http://www.fijitimes.com/story.aspx?id=33514 ("No disclosure on Benny Hinn," 12/12/05).
http://www.fijitimes.com/story.aspx?id=33443 ("Qarase backs man of God," 12/11/05).
http://www.fijitimes.com/story.aspx?id=33480 ("Passing the needle test," 12/11/05).
http://www.fijivillage.com/artman/publish/article_25434.shtml ("Stop New Denominations Coming to Fiji," 12/10/05).
http://www.fijivillage.com/artman/publish/article_25434.shtml ("Stop New Denominations Coming to Fiji," 12/10/05).
http://www.fijitimes.com/story.aspx?id=33353 ("Don't ban Hinn call," 12/9/05).
http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/bulletins/rnzi/200512091422/498dba8 ("Fiji minister says banned preacher free to sue government," 12/9/05. This article speaks mainly about the infamous Rev. Sun Myung Moon, but mentions Benny Hinn).
http://www.fijivillage.com/artman/publish/article_25418.shtml ("Church defends Benny Hinn's visit," 12/9/05).
http://www.fijivillage.com/artman/publish/article_25397.shtml ("Church Concerns Valid-Vosanibola," 12/8/05).
http://www.fijivillage.com/artman/publish/article_25390.shtml ("Church Concerned with Evangelist Visit," 12/8/05).
http://www.fijivillage.com/artman/publish/article_25380.shtml ("Methodist Church Concerned with Benny Hinn Crusade," 12/8/05).
http://www.fijivillage.com/artman/publish/article_24680.shtml ("Govt to provide Security for Evangelist," 11/10/05).
http://www.abc.net.au/ra/news/stories/s1527916.htm ("Fiji criticised for granting Visa to American evangelist," 9/12/05).

'Put Benny Hinn to the Biblical test. If
he fails, put him back on the plane!'

Every year the suffering and dying flock to Benny Hinn's healing crusades with a hope and a prayer that This will be their day for a healing. But they leave the same way they came in--suffering and dying. Precious, innocent children, whose bodies have been contorted, wilted, misshapened and tortured by Multiple Sclerosis and Spina Bifida, leave Hinn's crusades in wheelchairs.

Furthermore, those confined to wheelchairs are always placed in the rear of the crusade building, away from the main audience, and away from Benny Hinn and the stage where he conducts his "miracles."

It stands to reason, if Benny Hinn had the true Biblical gift of healing, he would go to the hospitals and emergency rooms here in America and around the world. But he doesn't, because God does not work miracles through Benny Hinn.

If the mere thought of this doesn't bring you to tears, then your heart has been hardened, possibly to the point of no return.

Therefore, Christian Research Service issues the following challenge to the Fijian officials and people: Put Benny Hinn to the Biblical test (1 Thessalonians 5:21; 1 John 4:1).

As a suggestion, once Hinn's plane lands in Fiji, Christian Research Service suggests that the Fijian officials immediately whisk him and his entourage away to the nearest hospital. If Hinn has the true, New Testament gift of healing, the bedridden and lame will walk; the diseased will be healed; the weak will be made strong; amputees will grow new limbs; children confined to wheelchairs with twisted bodies will be made whole; the suffering will find peace; the incurable will be miraculously cured; broken bodies will be mended; the blind will see; the deaf will hear; the dead will be raised to life.

But if he fails the Biblical test, put him back on the plane!

Is this too much to ask of a man who claims to receive visions and divine revelations from God, and visitations from Jesus Christ?

Sincerely in Christ,
Bud Press, Director
Christian Research Service
Jude 3
December 22, 2005

Additional articles and websites for further research on Benny Hinn and the Word-Faith Movement:

-- Do You Believe in Miracles?
-- The Price of Healing
-- IRS investigating televangelist's operation, report says
-- Pastor Hinn in Nigerian money row
-- Benny Hinn's Move into Necromancy: Faith Healer Claims Contact with the Dead Foretells New Direction for His Ministry
-- Out of Control, Again! Benny Hinn screams, hisses and pushes followers during Canada Crusade
-- Benny Hinn's False Prophecies for the 1990's (word-for-word transcript)



Letters from CRS to the Fiji Ministry of Home Affairs
& Immigration Officials concerning Benny Hinn

To the Reader: Normally, CRS waits 7 to 10 days for a reply before going public with a letter. The decision to make these e-mailed letters public came as a result of the news release, "Evangelist Granted Visa" printed in the Fijivillage.com Village News on January 13, 2006.

Both Mr. Josefa Vosanibola (Minister), and Dr. Lesi Korovavala (CEO) of the Fiji Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration were provided with the following letter(s).

Additional letters and information on Benny Hinn and Fiji may be reviewed athttp://www.christianresearchservice.com/BHinn7.htm.

Letters to the Fiji Ministry of Home Affairs &
Immigration Officials concerning Benny Hinn

January 11, 2006

Mr. Josefa Vosanibola, Minister
Home Affairs and Immigration
Suva Fiji

Dear Sir:

Please find below my December 19, 2005 letter to your President concerning Benny Hinn. I, and many others here in the U.S., pray you will take the time to read the letter and consider this information before allowing Benny Hinn into your country.

According to the December 7, 2005 "Statement on Dr Sun Myung Moon and 'Unification Church,'" your Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration confirmed that Moon "has been prohibited" from entering Fiji, because his "doctrines are considered misleading, repugnant and divisive and would affect the peace, good order, public safety and public morality of the Fiji Islands" (refer to http://www.fiji.gov.fj/publish/page_5931.shtml ).

We agree with the decision, and commend the Department of Immigration for their concern for the people of Fiji.

But as you read my letter to your President, you will find that Benny Hinn, like Sun Myung Moon, is a false prophet and false teacher and, does not have the true, Biblical gift of healing.

As Christians, we are deeply concerned for the spiritual welfare of the people of Fiji. We love you and your people enough to share the truth.

Sir, thank you for your consideration in this matter. Should you need additional information, please don't hesitate to contact me and my colleagues. We will be glad to assist you where possible.

Sincerely in Christ,
Bud Press, Director
Christian Research Service
Jude 3
cc: Dr. Lesi Korovavala, CEO

Letter to the President of Fiji

December 19, 2005

H.E. Ratu Josefa Iloilovatu Uluivuda, CF, MBE, JP,
President of the Republic of the Fiji Islands
Government House, Berkley Cresent
PO Box 2513, Government Buildings
Suva, Fiji

Dear Mr. President:

Greetings from America in the name of Jesus Christ.

As you know, Benny Hinn is scheduled to pay a visit to your country and conduct a "Benny Hinn Miracle Crusade" that may attract thousands of Fijians to Suva in January 2006.

As a Christian who has spent many years monitoring and researching Benny Hinn's teachings, prophecies and healing crusades, I am led by the Lord to report to you that Benny Hinn has been proven to be a false healer, false prophet, and false teacher by Christians both here in America and worldwide. There is ample information and documentation available to verify this.

For example, over the years Benny Hinn's "healing crusades" have attracted untold thousands of adults and children, many of whom suffer from a wide variety of afflictions and diseases such as AIDS, cancer, blindness, diabetes, and deafness. Others who attend Benny Hinn's crusades are confined to wheelchairs and suffer from Cerebral Palsy and Multiple Sclerosis.

Sadly, it is these precious, innocent people who flock to Benny Hinn's crusades with the hope they will be healed, but they leave the same way they came in--sick, dying and in wheelchairs.

It is important to note that those confined to wheelchairs are always placed in the rear of the crusade building, away from the main audience, and away from Benny Hinn and the stage where he conducts his "miracles."

Benny Hinn does not have the true Biblical gift of healing. If he did there would be thousands, if not millions, of testimonies to back it up. There is not one legitimate healing on record. Not one. There are, however, testimonies of people who believed they were healed during a Benny Hinn crusade, but they ended up dying a short time later.

Again, if Benny Hinn had the true Biblical gift of healing, he would go to the hospitals and emergency rooms here in America and around the world. But he doesn't, because God does not work His miracles through Benny Hinn.

For years here in America, Benny Hinn has indulged in a lavish lifestyle, with multi-million dollar homes, expensive cars, airplanes, designer clothes and bodyguards. Much of his wealth is a result of massive appeals for financial donations over the internet, and passing around large buckets at his crusades for money and checks. By now, the annual income for Benny Hinn Ministries may exceed $100 million a year.

Only time will tell how many Fijian dollars Benny Hinn will collect from your people and add to his growing millions.

In the past, Benny Hinn has claimed to be a "god" and a "messiah," and has also claimed to have regular visitations from angels, dead people, and Jesus Christ. He has even placed curses on adults (and their children), for those who disagree with him and expose his false teachings publicly.

On December 31, 1989, Benny Hinn delivered a series of prophecies for the 1990's, and claimed they came from God, the Lord, and the Holy Spirit. While delivering these prophecies, he said that:

God would destroy the homosexual community with fire by 1994 or no later than 1995.
A destructive earthquake will hit the east coast of the United States in the 1990's.
Cuban Communist dictator, Fidel Castro, will die in the 1990's.

A world dictator, who is a perfect incarnation of Satan, will rule the world.
Jesus will be seen in the 1990's.

Obviously, not one of these prophecies came true. According to the Bible, Benny Hinn is a false prophet and should be avoided (Deuteronomy chapters 13 and 18; Matthew chapter 24).

Mr. President, Benny Hinn's teachings and healing crusades are dangerous to the spiritual and physical welfare of believers worldwide. We love you and the people of Fiji, and pray that you and your staff will strongly consider canceling the January 2006 Benny Hinn crusade.

Thank you, Sir. I appreciate your time and look forward to your reply.

Sincerely in Christ,
Bud Press, Director
Christian Research Service
Jude 3

PS: For further information on Benny Hinn, please visit the following websites:


'Be careful' - Sandy Simpson

'Be careful'
Christian Apologist Reaches Out to the People of Fiji;
Terms Benny Hinn A 'False Prophet, Heretical Teacher'

by Sandy Simpson

January 3, 2006

My family have been missionaries in the Pacific islands for more than four decades.

We have seen many cults and false teachers come and go.

The people who wrote letters to this column defending the antics of Benny Hinn are misinformed. They obviously have little or no desire to look into the facts but rather choose to buy into the hype and lies put forth by Hinn and other false teachers in Fiji.

This invitation to Hinn is facilitated by a church coalition that is simply trying to further the "transformations" agenda to remake the world into the image of the false apostles and false prophets of the New Apostolic Reformation.

Apparently the fact that Benny Hinn has been a long time false prophet and heretical teacher means nothing to these folks who simply want to achieve an end by any means.

For more information on Benny Hinn I highly advise the people of Fiji to visit this web page:http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/bhinn.html

Those who want to see Hinn's teach false doctrines and make false prophecies should get a video made by a three Christian apologists called "Spirit of Truth or Spirit of Error?" here:http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/spiritoftruth.html

Sandy Simpson
Apologetics Coordination Team
Pearl City Hawaii

[This letter appeared in the Fiji Times Online, Letters to the Editor on January 3, 2006. Reprinted by permission from Sandy Simpson of Deception in the Church Ministries ]

Benny Hinn- Man of God or Moneymaker - Fiji Sun
Sect protests against Hinn - Fiji Times Online
Hinn tour still on - Fiji Times Online
Church wants Hinn banned - Fiji Times
Floored by Benny Hinn - Fiji Times
Sect protests against Hinn - Fiji Times
FIJI: Evangelist Benny Hinn Yet To Get Entry Visa - Pacific Magazine
Hinn visa under consideration - Fiji Times Online
Qarase Defends Protection for Evangelist - Fijivillage.com
Govt to facilitate evangelist's visit - Fijilive.com
Fiji Welcomes U.S. Evangelist, Shuns Moon - Pacific Islands Report
Church defends Benny Hinn's Visit - Fijivillage.com
Fiji Government To Assist Texas Evangelist - Pacific Islands Report
Stop New Denominations Coming to Fiji - Fijivillage.com

FIJI: Pastor throws support behind US Televangelist - pacific beat

Church Concerns Valid - Vosanibola - Fijivillage.com

We Say: Religious influence - Islands Business
Fiji criticised for granting visa to American evangelist - ABC Asia Pacific
Government to facilitate Pastor Benny Hinn visit - Fiji Government Online
Interview on Sun Myung Moon and Benny Hinn - Vic Eliason, VCY

Methodists Wary of Benny Hinn - Fiji Village

Benny Hinn's Music Director Hit by Stroke - Fijilive.com

Fiji Police Commissioner says Benny Hinn's Bodyguards 'Will Not' Be Allowed To Carry Firearms in Fiji - Fiji Times Online

Benny Hinn's Security Closes Fiji Airport - Fiji Sun

Healed by the Touch...Did the Crusade Really Heal this Man? - FijiTV-1

Pastors claim crusade 'hoodwinked' locals - Fiji Times Online

Disabled barred from Hinn stage; No welcome for blind, crippled - Fiji Sun

American Miracle Man Pulls Crowd - Samisoni Pareti, Islands Business

It Just Doesn't Add Up - Steve Muse

Benny Hinn's Defence: Focus on the Message and Not the Man - Fiji TV-1

Inlagt av Leif Berg

onsdag 27 januari 2010

The Unregistered Churches of Russia former Presecuted Church, have made an agreement to not allow secular entertainment in our churches!

From BereanBeacon

Watch on You Tube: Is Contemporary Christian Music "Christian"?

Evangelist Ives demostrates that there is a message in the composition of music.

Mrs. Fay Dodson of Phoster Club passed this interesting letter to us.The Unregistered Churches of Russia originally wrote this letter to churches in the USA.

Dear Christian Friends, For thirty years we have suffered intense persecution, and now freedom is bringing another great harm to our churches.

This damage is coming from the Christians in America who are sending rock music and evangelists accompanied by rock bands.

Our young people do not attend these meetings because we have all commited not to participate in secular entertainment. This is a great burden on our hearts.

Many come with Bible in hand and rock music. We do not know what words to use in urging that this be stopped. We abhor all Christian rock music coming into our country. Rock music has nothing in common with ministry or service to God. We are very, very against Christian Americans bringing to our country this false image of 'ministry' to God.

We need true spiritual bread, not false cakes.

It is true that rock music attracts people to the church, but not to Godly living. We personally were in prison for 15 years and 11 years for Christ's sake. We were not allowed to have Christian music, but rock music was used as a weapon against us day and night to destroy our souls. We could only resist with much prayer and fasting. Now, we have a time of more openness, and we are no longer taken to prison.

However, now it is Christians from America who damage our souls. We do not allow this music in our churches, but they rent big stadiums and infect teenagers and adults with their rock music.

We, the leadership and congregations of the Unregistered Union of Churches, former Presecuted Church, have made an agreement to not allow rock music in our churches. We urge you to join with us and we advise you to remove rock music from America, and certianly do not bring it to our country.

Do not desecrate our teenagers with it.

Even the unbelievers recognize it is unholy music and they cannot understand how American Christians can be so much like the world. We can give you the conclusion that after Russian unbelievers have attended these rock concerts where Christ's Word was preached, the people were very disappointed and disillusioned with Christianity.

We call this music from hell. We urge all Americans to stop giving money for the organization of such concerts in Russia. We want only traditional Christian music in our churches. This is the unanimous decision of all our leaders.

Peter Peters

Head of the Unregistered Union of Churches
Vasilij Ryzhuk
Elder, Unregistered

Union of Churches

Quotes by Evolutionary Scientists Against Evolution -http://www.warneveryone.com/evolution...

Live broadcasting with instant message -http://www.justin.tv/warneveryone

KJV1611 Bible - http://www.youtube.com/results?search...

My own comment:
2Ko 4:5 For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake.
2Ko 4:6 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
2Ko 4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.

Gal 1:9 As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
Gal 1:10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
Gal 1:11 But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man.
Gal 1:12 For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.

There truly is an mixed-up church with amusing circus gospel programs, unholy and misleading into another gospel, giving honors to man and bringing in slaves of corruptive vain glory concepts, adoring the apparel of men!

All this so called worship festivals; celebration, carnival, party, gala, event, is man-made, pretend, hollow, artificial, synthetic, worship! You can see this especially in the “charismatic” movement, and many other churches have opened up for these concepts, programs to fetch unaware souls into a man made religion!

See Commixed –mixed, assorted, sundry, different, diverse, a variety of, a mixture of, a range of, an assortment of, varied, diverse, miscellaneous, mix,


Modified. Modify.
admixed, blended, fused, mingled, com-mixed, compounded, combined, amalgamated, united, brewed, tied, merged, embodied, infused, transfused, crossed, hybridized, assimilated, married, woven, kneaded, incorporated; see also joined.
Antonyms separated*, severed, raveled.

Miscellaneous, unselected, diverse; see different 2, various.

Mixed up, jumbled, disordered; see confused 2.

See to give an unclear, vague, indistinct, uncertain, undecided, blurred, indistinguishable, imprecise, ambiguous, doubtful, impossible to tell apart, impossible to differentiate, exchangeable, transposable, sound!

Inlagt av Leif Berg

söndag 24 januari 2010

Svenska kyrkopolitiker (KDS) sjöng för påven

Svenska kyrkopolitiker sjöng för påven

Publicerad: 2010-01-21 10:07 | Uppdaterad: 2010-01-21 16:06

En grupp kristdemokrater från Sverige sjöng för påven Benedikt XVI i går - och fick applåder av honom.

Det var 33 avgående, tillträdande och omvalda kyrkomötesledamöter inom Kristdemokrater i Svenska kyrkan (KR) som under en Romresa deltog i onsdagens audiens i Vatikanen.

- Vi presenterades av en präst som "Christian Democrats in the Church of Sweden" och passade då på att sjunga "Han är med oss alla dagar intill tidens ände" - dessutom i trestämmig kanon, berättar Lennart Sacrédeus från Rom.

Bland sångarna fanns ingen mindre än Margit Borgström, en gång i tiden rikskändis som dirigent och ledare för tv-serien "Hela kyrkan sjunger". Numera är hon KR-ledamot i kyrkomötet.

- Påven applåderade - och vi tillbaka, berättar Lennart Sacrédeus, som tycker att det hela var en stor upplevelse.

Hasse Boström
hasse.bostrom dagen.se
08-619 24 41

Nedan egen kommentar:

Angående sången som sjöngs inför påven "Han är med oss alla dagar intill tidens ände" kanske de också bad "Påven vår som är i Vatikanen, innocent är ditt namn, ske din vilja på jorden såsom i Vatikanstaten ..."!

Den ekumeniska rörelsen infiltrerar snart alla sammanhang och KDS har nu givit sin hyllning till...påven!

Här ett ytterligare bevis på avfall, nu i Kds fållan, en politisk/religiös riktning som utövat så mycket påtryckning, avsöndring, urvattning och förvirring i de kristna leden, här går de i samma spår som den ekumeniska hedendomen med sin blandreligion och sjunger sitt lov inför påven ” - Påven applåderade - och vi tillbaka,”… det hela var en stor upplevelse.???

Stor – viktig, avgörande, central, betydelsefull, högfärdig, stöddig, inbilsk, märklig, förebådande, implicerande, inbegripande, inblandande, gällande, betydande,

Upplevelse – tilldragelse, fall, fenomen, evenemang, föreställningar, tanke, idé, begrepp, bild, skådespel, show, fester, jippon, galor, tillställningar, party, uppmärksammad händelse, äventyr, eskapader, vågstycken, romanser, kärlekshistoria, flört, händelse

Nej gå ut ifrån dem och skilj er från dem!

Inlagt av Leif Berg

Upp 18:4 Och jag hörde en annan röst från himmelen säga: "Dragen ut ifrån henne, I mitt folk, så att I icke gören eder delaktiga i hennes synder och fån eder del av hennes plågor.

Upp 18:1 Därefter såg jag en annan ängel komma ned från himmelen; han hade stor makt, och jorden upplystes av hans härlighet.

Upp 18:2 Och han ropade med stark röst och sade: "Fallet, fallet är det stora Babylon; det har blivit en boning för onda andar, ett tillhåll för alla slags orena andar och ett tillhåll för alla slags orena och vederstyggliga fåglar.

Upp 18:3 Ty av hennes otukts vredesvin hava alla folk druckit; konungarna på jorden hava bedrivit otukt med henne, och köpmännen på jorden hava skaffat sig rikedom genom hennes omåttliga vällust."

Upp 18:4 Och jag hörde en annan röst från himmelen säga: "Dragen ut ifrån henne, I mitt folk, så att I icke gören eder delaktiga i hennes synder och fån eder del av hennes plågor.

Upp 18:5 Ty hennes synder räcka ända upp till himmelen, och Gud har kommit ihåg hennes orättfärdiga gärningar.

Upp 18:6 Vedergällen henne vad hon har gjort, ja, given henne dubbelt igen för hennes gärningar; iskänken dubbelt åt henne i den kalk vari hon har iskänkt.

Upp 18:7 Så mycken ära och vällust som hon har berett sig, så mycken pina och sorg mån I bereda henne. Eftersom hon säger i sitt hjärta: 'Jag tronar såsom drottning och och sitter icke såsom änka, och aldrig skall jag veta av någon sorg',

Upp 18:8 därför skola på en och samma dag hennes plågor komma över henne: död och sorg och hungersnöd; och hon skall brännas upp i eld. Ty stark är Herren Gud, han som har dömt henne.
Upp 18:9 Och jordens konungar, som hava bedrivit otukt och levat i vällust med henne, skola gråta och jämra sig över henne, när de se röken av hennes brand.

Upp 18:10 De skola stå långt ifrån, av förfäran över hennes pina, och skola säga: 'Ve, ve dig, Babylon, du stora stad, du starka stad! Plötsligt har nu din dom kommit.'

Upp 18:11 Och köpmännen på jorden gråta och sörja över henne, då nu ingen mer köper de varor som de frakta:

Upp 18:12 guld och silver, ädla stenar och pärlor, fint linne och purpur, siden och scharlakan, allt slags välluktande trä, alla slags arbeten av elfenben och dyrbaraste trä, av koppar och järn och marmor,

Upp 18:13 därtill kanel och kostbar salva, rökverk, smörjelse och välluktande harts, vin och olja, fint mjöl och vete, fäkreatur och får, hästar och vagnar, livegna och trälar.

Upp 18:14 De frukter som din själ hade begär till hava försvunnit ifrån dig; allt vad kräsligt och präktigt du hade har gått förlorat för dig och skall aldrig mer bliva funnet.

Upp 18:15 De som handlade med sådant, de som skaffade sig rikedom genom henne, de skola stå långt ifrån, av förfäran över hennes pina; de skola gråta och sörja

Upp 18:16 och skola säga: 'Ve, ve dig, du stora stad, du som var klädd i fint linne och purpur och scharlakan, du som glänste av guld och ädla stenar och pärlor!

Upp 18:17 I ett ögonblick har nu denna stora rikedom blivit förödd.' Och alla skeppare och alla kustfarare och sjömän och alla andra som hava sitt arbete på havet stå långt ifrån;
Upp 18:18 och när de ser röken av hennes brand, ropa de och säga: 'Var fanns den stora stadens like?'

Upp 18:19 Och de strö stoft på sina huvuden och ropa under gråt och sorg och säga: 'Ve, ve dig, du stora stad, genom vars skatter alla de därinne, som hade skepp på havet, blevo rika! I ett ögonblick har den nu blivit förödd.

Upp 18:20 Gläd dig över vad som har vederfarits henne, du himmel och I helige och I apostlar och profeter, då nu Gud har hållit dom över henne och utkrävt vedergällning för eder!"

Upp 18:21 Och en väldig ängel tog upp en sten, lik en stor kvarnsten, och kastade den i havet och sade: "Så skall Babylon, den stora staden, med fart störtas ned och aldrig mer bliva funnen.

Upp 18:22 Av harpospelare och sångare, av flöjtblåsare och basunblåsare skall aldrig mer något ljud bliva hört i dig; aldrig mer skall någon konstförfaren man av något slags yrke finnas i dig; bullret av en kvarn skall aldrig mer höras i dig;

Upp 18:23 en lampas sken skall aldrig mer lysa i dig; rop för brudgum och brud skall aldrig mer höras i dig - du vars köpmän voro stormän på jorden, du genom vars trolldom alla folk blevo förvillade,

Upp 18:24 och i vilken man såg profeters och heliga mäns blod, ja, alla de människors blod, som hade blivit slaktade på jorden."

lördag 9 januari 2010

Ulf Ekman consult Charles Whitehead from NSC and ICCR the Vatican messenger!

Ulf Ekman consult Charles Whitehead from NSC and ICCR the Vatican messenger!

You may try google translate to your own language!

Here we see how Ulf Ekman and the pentecostals are consulting the Vatican stool!

Dan 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

Hos 10:4 They have spoken words, swearing falsely in making a covenant: thus judgment springeth up as hemlock in the furrows of the field.

2Mo 23:32 Thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor with their gods.

2Mo 23:33 They shall not dwell in thy land, lest they make thee sin against me: for if thou serve their gods, it will surely be a snare unto thee.

2Mo 23:1 Thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness.

2Mo 23:2 Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment:

2Mo 23:3 Neither shalt thou countenance a poor man in his cause.

2Mo 23:4 If thou meet thine enemy's ox or his ass going astray, thou shalt surely bring it back to him again.

2Mo 23:5 If thou see the ass of him that hateth thee lying under his burden, and wouldest forbear to help him, thou shalt surely help with him.

2Mo 23:6 Thou shalt not wrest the judgment of thy poor in his cause.

2Mo 23:7 Keep thee far from a false matter; and the innocent and righteous slay thou not: for I will not justify the wicked.

2Mo 23:8 And thou shalt take no gift: for the gift blindeth the wise, and perverteth the words of the righteous.

2Mo 23:24 Thou shalt not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do after their works: but thou shalt utterly overthrow them, and quite break down their images.

Charles Whitehead part of Vatican Team in Talks with non-Denominational Leaders

September/October 2008

Charles Whitehead, a member of the English NSC and past president of ICCRS, who has been involved in building relationships with leaders across the denominational spectrum for many years, has had his expertise recognised.

Last April he was part of a team of four, who included Bishop Brian Farrell and Mgr Juan Usma from the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity) and Fr James Puglisi from Centro Pro Unione in Rome, who had “a Preliminary conversation” with five leaders from the non-denominational churches.

These leaders included Pastor Ulf Ekman from Sweden and John Noble from England, Dr Eric Belcher, Dr Lonnie Laughlin and Dr John Cathart from the USA. “Preliminary Conversations” are seen as a preparatory stage to proper official dialogues, which the Catholic Church already has with the major denominations including the Pentecostal Church.

It has been difficult in the past for the Catholic Church to be in dialogue with the non-denominational stream in the body of Christ, because of its lack of a recognised world wide leadership structure and the existence of multiple streams. These meetings, however, are a sign of the Catholic Church’s eagerness to be in relationship with this grouping of Christians.

It also highlights the role that members of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal have had in helping to facilitate this, particularly Charles Whitehead, who is currently the co-chairman of Charismata, an ecumenical network of leaders in the UK.

The theme of the conversation focused on confessional identity, understood in terms of self-understanding and the concept of Christian unity.

The positive outcome of the meeting led to the decision to meet again in Rome in April 2009.

Talks – Consultation, Meeting, Discussion, talk, session, conference, meeting, chat, talk, conversation, debate, dialogue, discourse, exchange of ideas, channel of communication, interchange, exchange, transaction, swap, swapping, substitution, replacement, switch, exchange, changeover, swap,Trade, Deal, Buy and sell, Do business, Operate, Traffic, Skill, Job, Employment, Craft, Line of work, Occupation, Profession, Vocation, Exchange, Swap, Barter, Change, Commerce, Business, Dealings, Exchange, Industry, Traffic, Custom, Market, Customers, Patrons, Clientele, Public, trade off, crossing point, junction, intersection, discussion, information flow,

Leaders – Best, Cream of the crop, superior, greater, bigger, higher, more, advanced, improved, a cut above, enhanced, worse, excellent, exclusive, first-class, untouchable, expert, exceptional, outstanding, inferior, upper, higher, over, above, arrogant, haughty, condescending, disdainful, patronizing, supercilious, stuck-up, aloof, aristocratic, pompous, self-important, boss, manager, chief, elder, better, senior, director, supervisor, leader, inferior, pompous, conceited, arrogant, self-opinionated, overbearing, overconfident, full of yourself, vain, self-satisfied, self-centered self-absorbed, egocentric, pompous, self-important, top-drawer, Selected, Select few, Privileged, Influential,

Faciliate - make easy, ease, smooth the progress of, cause, bring about, produce, lead to, end in, result in, make happen, create, bring, beget effect, initiate, set in motion, start, embark on, initiate, activate, create, launch, inaugurate, produce, make possible, cause, help, aid, assist,

Confessional – konfessionella, bekännelse, erkännande, bekänna, erkänna, bikta, tillstå, medge, tillåt, bevilja, ge tillstånd till, ge möjlighet till, gå med på, håll med om, vidgå, avslöja, röja, avslöja, förråda, omtala, lägga i dagen, ådagalägga, antyda, visa, odla upp, bryta mark, hugga, gallra, städa, upprensa, rensa upp, rensa bort, våldgästa, vandalisera, blotta, demaskera, yppa, tala om, röj, blotta, demaskera, yppa, berätta, meddela, erkänna, bekännelsebikt, biktstol, bekännelsetrogna, ortodoxa, renläriga, rättrogna, rättrogna, dogmatiska, fanatiska, ofördragsamma, stränga, bigotta,

Identy – identifiera sig, fastställa identitet av, likhet, överensstämmelse, identifiera sig med, helt gå upp i, leva sig in i, konstruerar (tecknad) bild, identitet identitets/dödsbricka, legitimations/papper, identification mark, parade – konfrontering,

Terms - conditions, state of affairs, status, position, stipulations, provisos, provisions, requisites, basics , fundamentals , prerequisites , nuts and bolts , brass tacks, basics, essentials, nitty-gritty, crux of the matter, basics details, basics, ABC, practicalities, fundamentals, details, foundations, rudiments, language, expressions, vocabulary, terminology, term, jargon, lingo,

Inlagt av Leif Berg

torsdag 7 januari 2010

Den ekumeniska kullerbyttan i EFK

Den ekumeniska kullerbyttan i EFK

Här ser vi exempel på motsägelsefulla påståenden, hur man blandar om korten och växlar märken med statskyrkan med dess hedniska kult-religion.

Efk är kopplad (förbunden, förenad) med och har flertal relationer (samband, förhållanden, förbindelser, gemenskaper) med den ekumeniska rörelsen.

Ett besök i dessa ”frikyrkor” visar hur man alltmer adopterat den hedniska kulten inom statskyrkoväsendet, man anskaffar en präst, har ett altare med symboler, tänder ljus, och formar ”gudstjänsten” efter den liturgi (ritual, kult) som är förhärskande i den katolska(allmänna, universella) moderkyrkan!

I artikeln nedan läser vi hur man formulerar en diplomatisk, smidig, förslagen, taktisk, försiktig, diskret, "soppa” eller röra för att senare slå fast sina grundsatser, principer, grunder, regler, rättesnören, maximer: Vi har relationer och kopplingar till Svenska kyrkan på flera olika plan, allt från ekumeniska forum till personliga vänskapsrelationer och så kommer det vara i fortsättningen.

Det blir som man säger, eller Gud lät dem få vad de begärde!

Ekumenik, karismatisk förnyelse från Vatikanstaten och katolsk villfarelselära har satt djupa spår i den s.k. ”frikyrkliga” myllan.

Nu predikar man ett annat evangelium, frälsningslära!

Trots att Bibeln så kraftigt varnar för denna rörelse så låter man sig gå allt längre och djupare in i dess villfarelse, det påminner exempelvis om Israel i öknen då de krävde en annan gud, ledare och ville vända tillbaka till Egyptens mörker!

När ska den Svenska kristenheten vakna upp och gå ut ifrån dessa skökor?

Med ett besynnerligt, illustert, påstående om att Moni växlar spår uttalar sig EFK:s ledning i frågan på ett förbryllande sätt.

Moni har gått vägen från Örebro Missionsskola till pastor i Immanuelskyrkan Örebro (plantskolor) där hon enligt eget uttalande mognat fram till att bli statskyrkopräst och nu tar steget ”fullt ut” och blir ordinerad av den hedniska kyrkoformen som är full av irrläror, inte enbart med en magisk dopsyn utan också oblatguden med prästernas förmåga att framkalla Kristus var gång de förmedlar vinet och brödet, samt alla de andra mångfaldiga ockulta och bibelstridiga läror exempelvis påvens ofelbarhet etc. som enligt Bibeln står för Anti-kristendom, skökokristendom. Upp 17-19.

EFk själva nu fullvärdiga (mogna) medlemmar i det ekumeniska samgåendet tillsammans med Pingst ffs har undertecknat avtal för ett koopererande och bedriver nu styvnackat ett ”migrationsprogram” som ska ”fördjupa” samgåendet.

Själva bedriver de redan ett fördjupat samarbete med skökomodern, och med diplomati, underhandlingskonst och språkförvirring i sätet har de satt båten i sjön och förlist, lidit skeppsbrott, gått till botten, gått under.

Andra ”trosförkunnare” likt Ulf Ekman och andra frontfigurer tävlar om gunsten och som gått samma väg (ekumenik) bedriver en kampanj för återgående till katolsk/ekumeniskt avfall och söndring, har med sin av Vatikanens karismatiska ockulta rörelse luckrat upp och förvirrat många i Sverige till att sätta tro till lögn och dragit liktäcket, mörker över sig.

Mörker – Skymningar, Nätter, Brister på ljus, Okunnigheter, Oupplystheter, Ovissheter, Mörker, Hopplösheter, Dunkel, Natt, Skymning, Frånvaro av ljus, Brist på ljus, Barbari, Hopplöst tillstånd, Hopplöshet, Pessimism, Ovisshet, Mörker.

Upp 18:1 Därefter såg jag en annan ängel komma ned från himmelen; han hade stor makt, och jorden upplystes av hans härlighet.
Upp 18:2 Och han ropade med stark röst och sade: "Fallet, fallet är det stora Babylon; det har blivit en boning för onda andar, ett tillhåll för alla slags orena andar och ett tillhåll för alla slags orena och vederstyggliga fåglar.
Upp 18:3 Ty av hennes otukts vredesvin hava alla folk druckit; konungarna på jorden hava bedrivit otukt med henne, och köpmännen på jorden hava skaffat sig rikedom genom hennes omåttliga vällust."
Upp 18:4 Och jag hörde en annan röst från himmelen säga: "Dragen ut ifrån henne, I mitt folk, så att I icke gören eder delaktiga i hennes synder och fån eder del av hennes plågor.
Upp 18:5 Ty hennes synder räcka ända upp till himmelen, och Gud har kommit ihåg hennes orättfärdiga gärningar.

1Ko 6:15 Veten I icke att edra kroppar äro Kristi lemmar? Skall jag nu taga Kristi lemmar och göra dem till en skökas lemmar? Bort det!
1Ko 6:16 Veten I då icke att den som håller sig till en sköka, han bliver en kropp med henne? Det heter ju: "De tu skola varda ett kött."
1Ko 6:17 Men den som håller sig till Herren, han är en ande med honom.
1Ko 6:18 Flyn otukten. All annan synd som en människa kan begå är utom kroppen; men den som bedriver otukt, han syndar på sin egen kropp.
1Ko 6:19 Veten I då icke att eder kropp är ett tempel åt den helige Ande, som bor i eder, och som I haven undfått av Gud, och att I icke ären edra egna?
1Ko 6:20 I ären ju köpta, och betalning är given. Så förhärligen då Gud i eder kropp.

2Ko 6:14 Gån icke i ok tillsammans med dem som icke tro; det bleve omaka par. Vad har väl rättfärdighet att skaffa med orättfärdighet, eller vilken gemenskap har ljus med mörker?
2Ko 6:15 Huru förlika sig Kristus och Beliar, eller vad delaktighet har den som tror med den som icke tror?
2Ko 6:16 Eller huru låter ett Guds tempel förena sig med avgudar? Vi äro ju ett den levande Gudens tempel, ty Gud har sagt: "Jag skall bo i dem och vandra ibland dem; jag skall vara deras Gud, och de skola vara mitt folk."
2Ko 6:17 Alltså: "Gån ut ifrån dem och skiljen eder ifrån dem, säger Herren; kommen icke vid det orent är. Då skall jag taga emot eder
2Ko 6:18 och vara en Fader för eder; och I skolen vara mina söner och döttrar, säger Herren, den Allsmäktige."


2Ko 6:14
Unequally yoked

Only here in the New Testament. Not in classical Greek, nor in Septuagint, though the kindred adjective ἑτερόζυγος of a diverse kind, occurs Lev_19:19. Unequally gives an ambiguous sense.

3Mo 19:19 Mina stadgar skolen I hålla: Du skall icke låta två slags djur av din boskap para sig med varandra; din åker skall du icke beså med två slags säd; en klädnad av två olika slags garn får icke komma på dig.

It is not inequality, but difference in kind, as is shown by the succeeding words. The suggestion was doubtless due to the prohibition in Deu_22:9, against yoking together two different animals. The reference is general, covering all forms of intimacy with the heathen, and not limited to marriage or to idol feasts. The different shades of fellowship expressed by five different words in this and the two following verses are to be noted.

5Mo 22:9 Du skall icke, för att få två slags skörd i din vingård, så säd däri, på det att icke alltsammans, både vad du har sått och vad själva vingården avkastar, må hemfalla till helgedomen.

Fellowship (μετοχὴ)

Only here in the New Testament. The kindred verb μετέχω to be partaker is found only in Paul's epistles and in Hebrews: μέτοχος partner, partaker, only in Hebrews and Luk_5:7. Having part with is the corresponding English expression.

Righteousness - unrighteousness (δικαιοσύνη - ἀνομίᾳ)

Lit., what sharing is there unto righteousness and lawlessness? Δικαιοσύνῃ righteousness, though the distinctively Pauline sense of righteousness by faith underlies it, is used in the general sense of rightness according to God's standard.

See lawlessness – anarchy, disorder, chaos, mayhem, lack of control, excess, immoderation, abandon, lack of responsibility, free-for-all, riot, scuffle, commotion, brawl, set-to, knuckle down, get on with it, put your shoulder to the wheel, apply yourself, get your head down, set to, brouhaha, ruckus, rumpus, confusion, commotion, to-do, uproar.

Communion (κοινωνία)
See on Luk_5:10; see on Act_2:42.

Kyrkan – domen, huven, kupolen, katedralen, domkyrkan, stiftskyrkan, straffet, straffdomen, eftermälet, kritiken, omdömet, bedömningen, domslutet, domstolsbeslutet, utslaget, beslutet, domen, avgörandet, registreringen, visarutslaget, resultatet, moget, blomstrande, fördelat, utslaget, besegrat, knockat, uträknat, nedslaget, eliminerat,utelämnat, dödat, likviderat, avlägsnat, utgallrat, rensat bort, tagit bort, strukit, uteslutit, avskilt, avskiljt, utelämnat, lämnat åsido, bortsett från, dödat, gjort slut på, satt ur spel, likviderat, utslaget, uteslutet...

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Från Hemmets Vän

Moni Höglund växlar spår - blir präst i Svenska Kyrkan

VECKANS NUMMER Publicerad: 2010-01-07 Som tonåring hade Moni Höglund bestämt sig att absolut inte gå den kristna vägen, som hon var uppväxt med. Men ett sommarläger ändrade allt. Hon ville vara solidarisk med en tjejkompis, som ville ha en tältkamrat under detta läger. Tre år senare började hon som evangelist inom dåvarande Örebromissionen och utbildade sig sedan till pastor på Missionsskolan i Örebro. Nu växlar Moni spår och studerar till präst i Svenska kyrkan.

Moni har under åren varit barn- och ungdomspastor, församlingsföreståndare, ägnat sig åt själavård, gjort och gjort ett 30-tal tv-gudstjänster i studio, som fick ett mycket positivt mottagande.

Tankarna om att studera till präst i Svenska kyrkan har funnits sedan tidigt 1990-tal, kanske rent av från första pastorstjänsten 1983, då hon gärna ville bygga broar till bygdens folk på bruksorten Regna Igelfors.

Lyssnande medmänniska

Vårt samtal, som utspinner sig kring spårväxlingen från EFK till Svenska kyrkan, kommer in på dopsynen, debatten om att viga homosexuella, samt inte minst kallelsen att vara en bärare av de goda nyheterna, en lyssnare och medmänniska mitt ute i samhället.

Men allt började med det där sommarlägret hon egentligen inte alls skulle varit med på, men som stakade ut hennes livsväg åt ett helt annat håll än hon som tonåring tänkt sig.

– Jag växte upp en mil nedanför Hjortkvarn i en by med tre hus. Pappa var lantbrukare och morfar var med och byggde kapellet, där mina föräldrar var aktiva och där känslan bara fanns att ”man skulle gå i kyrkan mycket”, berättar hon.
Läs mer i Hemmets Vän nr 1 – 2010




Under ett år framöver kommer Moni läsa in de kurser som krävs för att bli vigd till präst. Samtal om hennes val att bli präst och de teologiska och ideologiska frågor som uppkommer, har förts både med biskopen i Strängnäs stift och ledningen för Evangeliska frikyrkan.

-Kyrkosynen och dopsynen är två av de stor teologiska skillnaderna mellan samfunden. I dopet tror jag alltid Gud verkar, man blir döpt till Kristus och blir en del av kyrkan. I det har jag en mer sakramental syn på dopet än den traditionellt frikyrkliga synen. Därför har det inte heller varit något konstigt för mig att ta emot dem som är barndöpta i en församling med baptistisk dopsyn. För oavsett när man blir döpt så är efterföljelse, lärjungaskapet som är det viktiga.

-Även synen på vad som utgör församlingen skiljer sig åt mellan samfunden. Jag tror på en öppen församling, öppnare än vad vi praktiserat med hjälp av matrikeln. Och det har jag redan försökt praktisera under min tid som pastor i Immanuelskyrkan i Örebro. Människor är på väg mot Kristus, men deras väg ser olika ut, de passar inta alltid in i den ordning vi sätter upp. Jag har kommit fram till att jag kan stå för Svenska kyrkans ordning och jag tror att det passar väl med det jag brinner för och vill arbeta med.

Evangeliska frikyrkans presidie (president ?) och missionsledning är insatta i Monis ställningstagande. Först och främst beklagar vi att Moni ska sluta sin tjänst inom EFK, säger Anders Blåberg, Missionsdirektor. Vi mister en duglig och uppskattat ledare som har stort förtroende inom rörelsen. Vi respekterar hennes beslut och önskar henne Guds välsignelse i nya tjänster.

Att gå från en baptistisk rörelse till Svenska kyrkan är ett stort steg, både teologiskt, och "kulturellt", och vi har i stort sett ingen erfarenhet av att medarbetare inom EFK har gått den vägen.

-Jag ser det givetvis som problematiskt att växla spår, fortsätter Anders. Tydliga skillnader ifråga om synen på församling, dopet och ämbete finns där. Samtidigt innehåller Svenska kyrkan i sig flera olika schatteringar, från mer evangelikala och karismatiska delar, där vi känner oss hemma, till mer liberala fållor som vi är mycket tveksamma till.

Vi har relationer och kopplingar till Svenska kyrkan på flera olika plan, allt från ekumeniska forum till personliga vänskapsrelationer och så kommer det vara i fortsättningen.

Sveriges Kristna råd – medlemslista!

Charta Oecumenica är inte från Gud se http://www.tidenstecken.se/charta.htm

Nedan ser vi att EFK och Pingst ffs ingått som fullvärdiga medlemmar i den ekumeniska "migrationen", vem och vad som står för inriktningen och denna svekpolitik kan varje Bibeltroende förstå!

SKRs årsmöte: EFK och Pingst välkomnade som nya medlemmar

Två nya medlemskyrkor, ett policydokument om migration, beslut om verksamhetsinriktning för de närmaste åren och en kvinna i SKRs presidium för första gången på tio år. Det var några av resultaten av Sveriges Kristna Råds årsmöte i Betlehemskyrkan i Göteborg 25-26 april 2007.

egen notering:
SE Migration -folkförflyttning, flyttning, transport, flyttlass, flytt, rymt, smitet, försvunnet, flyktat, dunstat, undvikt, undflytt, förgånget, förflutet, förlidet, tagit till flykten, sprungit sin väg, rymt, smitit, försvunnit, flyktat, dunstat, sjappat, undvikit, undvikt, undflytt, förgått, förflutit, förlidit, gått till ända, upphört, tagit slut, lyktat, slocknat, falnat, dött bort, tilländalupit, tilländalöpt, gått till ända, upphört, trutit, sinat, fattats, börjat ta slut, varit på upphällningen, tystnat, upphört, dött bort, upphört, stoppat, utgått, tilländalupit, tilländalöpt, avstannat, gått över, förfallit, upphört, ändat!

EFK och Pingst - ffs nya medlemmar

Efter att ha varit observatörer i SKR under många år valde Evangeliska Frikyrkan och Pingst - Fria församlingar i samverkan att söka medlemskap i SKR.

Rådsförsamlingen antog de nya medlemmarna med ett ljudligt ja och hälsade dem med en applåd.

EFKs missionsdirektor Anders Blåberg och Pingst - ffs föreståndare Sten-Gunnar Hedin representerade de nya medlemmarna på mötet.

I och med de nya medlemmarna har SKR nått en viktig milstolpe i arbetet för kristen enhet i Sverige. I Sveriges Kristna Råd finns nu så gott som alla kristna traditioner och samfund representerade. Kvar som observatör finns endast Adventistsamfundet.

Karin Wiborn ny i SKRs presidium

Svenska Baptistsamfundets missionsföreståndare Karin Wiborn valdes av årsmötet till ny ledamot i SKRs presidium. Hon representerar där frikyrkofamiljen och ersätter Göran Zettergren, missionsföreståndare i Svenska Missionskyrkan. Karin Wiborn blir den första kvinnan i presidiet på omkring tio år. Tidigare har Birgit Karlsson, dåvarande missionsföreståndare i Svenska Baptistsamfundet, varit med i presidiet.
SKRs presidium består i övrigt av Anders Arborelius, biskop i Stockholms Katolska Stift, F. Tikhon Lundell, präst i Serbiska ortodoxa kyrkan, och Anders Wejryd, ärkebiskop i Svenska kyrkan.

Ärkebiskop Anders Wejryd ny ordförande i Sveriges Kristna Råd

Vid styrelsens konstituerande styrelsemöte direkt efter årsmötet valdes Svenska kyrkans ärkebiskop Anders Wejryd till ny ordförande efter Anders Arborelius. Ordförandeskapet i rådet cirkulerar årsvis inom SKRs presidium.

"Detta vill vi - kyrkorna och migrationsfrågorna"

Årsmötet fattade beslut om uppföljning av Påskuppropet genom policydokumentet "Detta vill vi - kyrkorna och migrationsfrågorna". SKRs arbetsgrupp för migration och integration har utarbetat dokumentet, som innan det förelades årsmötet också bearbetats av styrelsen och gått på remiss till SKRs medlemskyrkor. Detta vill vi ska ligga till grund för bl a kyrkornas lokala kontakter med myndigheter, opinionsarbete och utbildning.

I dokumentet skriver SKR: "Vi vill på olika sätt fortsätta att arbeta för ett välkomnande och inkluderande samhälle. Och vi vill fortsätta att på ett kritiskt och konstruktivt sätt granska lagstiftning, politisk och juridisk praxis och myndigheternas arbete inom migrationspolitikens område. Detta dokument är ett uttryck för denna vår ambition."

"Detta vill vi" finns på www.skr.org/migration

SKRs idégrund och verksamhetsinriktning 2008-2011

SKR kommer de närmaste åren att ha som tema att "Lära känna varandra på djupet - för att världen skall tro och leva".

Temat uttrycks i den idégrund och verksamhetsinriktning för 2008-2011 som årsmötet fattat beslut om. I en koncentrerad text lyfter SKR fram enhetsarbetets grundförutsättningar och SKRs specifika uppgift. Omvärldens utmaningar och de frågor SKR ska prioritera under 2008-2011 beskrivs. Dessutom kommer fokus att ligga på ytterligare fördjupade relationer som en nödvändig förutsättning för att SKR ska fungera. I presentationen av dokumentet sade bl a ärkebiskop Anders Wejryd att det var viktigt att inte vika för de svåra frågor som genom tiderna verkat splittrande inom kyrkorna.

I behandlingen av dokumentet framfördes från nätverket Sveriges Kristna Ungdomsrörelser (SKUR) att barns och ungdomars perspektiv tydligare borde finnas prioriterat. Årsmötet fattade beslut om ett tillägg om detta. Dokumentet kommer att finnas tillgängligt inom kort på www.skr.org

Gudstjänster och mötesplatser

Dokument och beslut i all ära, men minst lika viktigt under ett årsmöte i SKR är de personliga möten, samtal runt kaffebord, seminarier och gudstjänster som äger rum. Årsmötet innehöll i år seminarier om det europeiska allkristna mötet i Sibiu i höst, samverkansprocesser mellan SKR och Svenska missionsrådet, kyrkorna och migrationsfrågorna, samt om kyrkornas arbete kring handikapp och funktionshinder. Gudstjänster firades i olika kyrkliga traditioner i både Betlehemskyrkan och Göteborgs domkyrka.
Carl-Johan Friman


Luther on ecumenism and papacy

History of the Papacy by J.A. Wylie: "...the Church (so-called) of Rome has no right to rank amongst Christian Churches. She is not a Church, neither is her religion the Christian religion. We are accustomed to speak of Popery as a corrupt form of Christianity. We concede too much. The Church of Rome bears the same relation to the Church of Christ which the hierarchy of Baal bore to the institute of Moses; and Popery stands related to Christianity only in the same way in which Paganism stood related to primeval Revelation. Popery is not a corruption simply, but a transformation. It may be difficult to fix the time when it passed from the one into the other; but the change is incontestible. Popery is the gospel transubstantiated into the flesh and blood of Paganism, under a few of the accidents of Christianity."

Martin Luther

Just as in the days of the Apostles, so at this day we are forced to hear from certain denominations that we (by our obstinacy to adhere to the truth) do offend against love and unity in the churches, because we reject their doctrine. It would be better (they say) that we should let it pass, especially since the doctrine in dispute is what they call non-essential, and, therefore (they say) to stir up so great a discord and contention in the church over one or two doctrines (and those not the most important ones) is unfruitful and unnecessary.

To this I reply: Cursed be that love and unity which cannot be preserved except at the peril of the word of God.

Just as in the days of the Apostles, so at this day we are forced to hear from certain denominations that we (by our obstinacy to adhere to the truth) do offend against love and unity in the churches, because we reject their doctrine. It would be better (they say) that we should let it pass, especially since the doctrine in dispute is what they call non-essential, and, therefore (they say) to stir up so great a discord and contention in the church over one or two doctrines (and those not the most important ones) is unfruitful and unnecessary.

To this I reply: Cursed be that love and unity which cannot be preserved except at the peril of the word of God.

The negotiation about doctrinal agreement displeases me altogether, for this is utterly impossible unless the pope has his papacy abolished. Therefore avoid and flee those who seek the middle of the road. Think of me after I am dead and such middle-of-the-road men arise, for nothing good will come of it. There can be no compromise. (What Luther Says, II: 1019)

Ah, my dear brother in Christ, bear with me if here or elsewhere I use such coarse language when speaking of the wretched, confronted, atrocious monster at Rome! He who knows my thoughts must say that I am much, much, much too lenient and have neither words nor thought adequately to describe the shameful, abominable blasphemy to which he subjects the Word and name of Christ, our dear Lord and Savior. There are some Christians, wicked Christians indeed, who now would gloss things over to make the pope appear against in a good light and who, after he does so and has been dragged out of the mud, would like to reinstate him on the altar. But they are wicked people, whoever they may be, who defend the pope and want me to be quiet about the means whereby he has done harm. Truly, I cannot do this. All true, pious Christians, who love Christ and His Word, should, as said, be sincerely hostile to the pope. They should persecute him and injure him…. All should do this in their several calling, to the best of their ability, with all faithfulness and diligence. (What Luther Says, II: 1072)

What kind of a church is the pope’s church? It is an uncertain, vacillating and tottering church. Indeed, it is a deceitful, lying church, doubting and unbelieving, without God’s Word. For the pope with his wrong keys teaches his church to doubt and to be uncertain. If it is a vacillating church, then it is not the church of faith, for the latter is founded upon a rock, and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it (Matt.16:18). If it is not the church of faith, then it is not the Christian church, but it must be an unchristian, anti-Christian, and faithless church which destroys and ruins the real, holy, Christian church. (Luther’s Works, vol. 40, Church and Ministry II, The Keys, p.348)

All this is to be noted carefully, so that we can treat with contempt the filthy, foolish twaddle that the popes present in their decrees about their Roman church, that is, about their devil’s synagogue (Rev.2:9), which separates itself from common Christendom and the spiritual edifice built up on this stone, and instead invents for itself a fleshly worldly, worthless, lying, blasphemous, idolatrous authority over all of Christendom. One of these two things must be true: if the Roman church is not built on this rock along with the other churches, then it is the devil’s church; but if it is built, along with all the other churches, on this rock, then it cannot be lord or head over the other churches. For Christ the cornerstone knows nothing of two unequal churches, but only of one church alone, just as the Children’s Faith, that is, the faith of all of Christendom, says, ”I believe in one holy, Christian church,” and does not say, ”I believe in one holy Roman church.” The Roman church is and should be one portion or member of the holy Christian church, not the head, which befits solely Christ the cornerstone. If not, it is not a Christian but an UN-Christian and anti-Christian church, that is, a papal school of scoundrels. (Luther’s Works, Volume 41, Church and Ministry III, Against The Roman Papacy, An Institution Of The Devil, p.311)

I believe the pope is the masked and incarnate devil because he is the Antichrist. As Christ is God incarnate, so the Antichrist is the devil incarnate. The words are really spoken of the pope when its said that hes a mixed god, an earthly god, that is , a god of the earth. Here god is understood as god of this world. Why does he call himself an earthly god, as if the one, almighty God werent also on the earth? The kingdom of the pope really signifies the terrible wrath of God, namely, the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place. (Luthers Works, vol.54, Table Talks, No.4487, p.346)

C. H. Spurgeon on Popery

"It is the bounden duty of every Christian to pray against Antichrist, and as to what Antichrist is no sane man ought to raise a question. If it be not the Popery in the Church of Rome there is nothing in the world that can be called by that name. It wounds Christ, robs Christ of His glory, puts sacramental efficacy in the place of His atonement, and lifts a piece of bread in the place of the Saviour....If we pray against it, because it is against Him, we shall love the persons though we hate their errors; we shall love their souls, though we loathe and detest their dogmas...."

-- C. H. Spurgeon

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Frälsningens väg!

Heb 11:25 Han ville hellre utstå lidande med Guds folk än för en kort tid leva i syndig njutning;
Heb 12:2 Och må vi därvid se på Jesus, trons hövding och fullkomnare, på honom, som i stället för att taga den glädje som låg framför honom, utstod korsets lidande och aktade smäleken för intet, och som nu sitter på högra sidan om Guds tron.
Heb 12:3 Ja, på honom, som har utstått så mycken gensägelse av syndare, på honom mån I tänka, så att I icke tröttnen och uppgivens i edra själar.
Heb 12:15 Och sen till, att ingen går miste om Guds nåd, och att ingen giftig rot skjuter skott och bliver till fördärv, så att menigheten därigenom bliver besmittad;
Heb 12:16 sen till, att ingen är en otuktig människa eller ohelig såsom Esau, han som för en enda maträtt sålde sin förstfödslorätt.
Heb 12:17 I veten ju att han ock sedermera blev avvisad, när han på grund av arvsrätt ville få välsignelsen; han kunde nämligen icke vinna någon ändring, fastän han med tårar sökte därefter.
Heb 10:36 I behöven nämligen ståndaktighet för att kunna göra Guds vilja och få vad utlovat är.
Heb 10:37 Ty "ännu en helt liten tid, så kommer den som skall komma, och han skall icke dröja;
Heb 10:38 och min rättfärdige skall leva av tro. Men om någon drager sig undan, så finner min själ icke behag i honom".
Heb 10:39 Dock, vi höra icke till dem som draga sig undan, sig själva till fördärv; vi höra till dem som tro och så vinna sina själar.

Ord 25:26 Såsom en grumlad källa och en fördärvad brunn, så är en rättfärdig som vacklar inför den ogudaktige.

Upp 3:16 Men nu, då du är ljum och varken varm eller kall, skall jag utspy dig ur min mun.

Se Ljum, sammanblandad, mixad, förväxlad, utbytt, utväxlad, ersatt, avlöst, efterträdd, liknöjd, likgiltig!

2Ti 4:7 Jag har kämpat den goda kampen, jag har fullbordat mitt lopp, jag har bevarat tron.
2Ti 4:8 Nu ligger rättfärdighetens segerkrans tillreds åt mig, och Herren, den rättfärdige domaren, skall giva den åt mig på "den dagen", och icke åt mig allenast, utan åt alla som hava älskat hans tillkommelse.

Jesus HATES the deeds of the Nicolaitiane, which I also hate.

Rev. 2:6 But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitianes, which I also hate. Nicolaitianes -To conquer the people or laity, these "deeds" had become in Pergamos a "doctrine" (Rev. 2:15)


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